
Topic: Bolivarcoin (BOL) Venezuela Virtual Currency (Read 3071 times)

hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500
August 09, 2015, 01:37:48 AM
If you can help this project to grown, im looking for someone who can help me to create a wallet, pool, mobile app, etc

Please go to this post to know more about it
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500
Please reupload wallet on and source ?

More easy to access and download.

Thanks lin0sspice  the source its on github, you can see it here
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500

So the question is, is a virtual currency in Venezuela help the economy and his citizens?

I recommend the good people of Venezuela use el Bitcoin then.  Cheesy

Some in Venezuela use bitcoin will say is a comunity of 3000 people and growing everyday, but the main use for this is to avoid the control exchange by the government, and to move money in and out the country, but it will be never be used as a daily currency
full member
Activity: 137
Merit: 100

So the question is, is a virtual currency in Venezuela help the economy and his citizens?

I recommend the good people of Venezuela use el Bitcoin then.  Cheesy
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500
So are you from Venezuela ?
Are they 125 Venezuela citizen ?
What the impact from those people to the coin ?

Hi boutiuqe, I was born in Venezuela but i live overseas, Yes, about 100 of the users that already mined some coins are from Venezuela, the rest from other countries.

The impact will be huge, Venezuela can become the first nation to adopt a virtual currency, there are too many articles on the news and many economist are talking about it.

The situation in Venezuela right now is the worst in his history, (just type Venezuela on google and read the news)

The latest news are:

Venezuela is running out of bills, if you want to withdraw from your account the bank will only give you a small amount because there are no bills.

Nobody knows what the real inflation is, the central bank is not publishing, some economist are talking that the accumulated inflation for 2015 is around 170% to 800%.

There is no food in Venezuela, people need to queue for hours (sometimes more than 10)to buy products on the supermarket, and they only can buy one of each.

The minimum wage is only 20$ a month.

There are 4 official currency exchange and one extraoficcial, official is: 1$ - 6Bf, extraoficcial 1$ - 700Bf. No one has access to the oficial exchange rate.

So the question is, is a virtual currency in Venezuela help the economy and his citizens?
The answer is yes, and we all know why, no one can control it, anyone can mine it, storage, sell or buy it, create new business, exchange for whatever, etc, etc.
sr. member
Activity: 638
Merit: 250
So are you from Venezuela ?
Are they 125 Venezuela citizen ?
What the impact from those people to the coin ?
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Please reupload wallet on and source ?

More easy to access and download.
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500
Download wallet, and it is not running
2nd, node from many coin, so it is just another scam coin.
3rd, you did not have source , which is same as many other scam coin. which you wait for paid creator to upload.

1 If you download the wallet and its not running, maybe its an incompatibility problem.
2 Sorry, but this project its not scam. Node its from amazon free ubuntu server
3 Yes there is a source, i need to upload to github here is the link but still nothing in there
4 If someone can contribute and make this project better its welcome
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500
"Witch nationality." Are those citizens of Oz?

Hello bones, No is not from Oz, those citizens are from Venezuela and the person in the logo is Simon Bolivar, you can read more about him here

Bolivar is the official currency in Venezuela since was introduced in 1879.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Download wallet, and it is not running
2nd, node from many coin, so it is just another scam coin.
3rd, you did not have source , which is same as many other scam coin. which you wait for paid creator to upload.
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500
125 people on team with 350 000 premine??

No premine TruthSeeker101, i mine the fist block myself and twitted about it about 36 hrs ago

No, we are not a 125 people in the team, we are 3, but we are about 125 mining Bolivarcoin
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
Where's your pool
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500
Scam not worth to wait Smiley


Hi lin0sspice, why you say its scam?
It is not
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1828
"Witch nationality." Are those citizens of Oz?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
125 people on team with 350 000 premine??
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Scam not worth to wait Smiley

Activity: 2254
Merit: 1290
Where's source?


Activity: 35
Merit: 0
Wheres pool ?
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.
hero member
Activity: 590
Merit: 500

Bolivarcoin (BOL) Venezuela virtual currency based on Litecoin Script and inspired by Bitcoin.

Everybody no matter witch nationality are invited to mine and use this currency.

Bolivarcoin is the main virtual currency in Venezuela and is used to buy and sell goods and services and to boost the economy creating new markets and opportunities.

Bolivarcoin is on a development stage, we are looking for people to help us to make this project bigger.


[email protected]

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