"Information from gtpool.io on Bombax EZ100 devices
https://gtpool.io/The device works correctly with the pool at the moment;
Hashrate is as claimed;
ZIL mining is supported on gtpool.io with full hash rate;
The device caches ZIL DAG, so ~1GB is deducted from the total memory of 5.2GB for zil mining, the rest is available for the main coin;
No need for zil dag generator, device switches quickly due to caching;
No limit from the bottom on DAG size. ETC, OCTA, CAU, LRS and other ethash coins are supported, but for example CLO+ZIL will not work normally;
The device supports changing coins on the fly within the algorithm. The manufacturer implements switching between etchash and ethash in new firmware;
Coin switching takes 15-20 minutes, but works correctly within the available memory. It can be accelerated, but not dramatically. There will be nuances with renting;
The device does not yet support new coins on 0,1,2 epochs, but the problem is not hardware, the manufacturer is working on it."