Over the past 18 months, I have dedicated myself to gaining a deeper understanding of how Bitcoin works from a technical standpoint. My journey involved reading several books, numerous articles, and posts, watching many videos, and writing summaries of each concept to solidify my understanding. As a result, I have compiled over 70 pages of content to date. This process sparked the idea of consolidating all these writings into a book (available for free download) in hopes of helping others understand Bitcoin as I have.
The book is intended for beginners. I've structured it around questions and answers, explaining various technical aspects of Bitcoin. I also included analogies to make the more abstract concepts within Bitcoin relatable to everyday examples.
This book will not focus on Bitcoin's monetary thesis. There are excellent resources for that topic, such as "The Bitcoin Standard". Nor is it meant to be a deep technical dive, for which "Mastering Bitcoin" and "Grokking Bitcoin" are highly recommended (and have been references for me).
I'm currently sharing an excerpt with a few knowledgeable individuals in the Bitcoin space to gather feedback, corrections, and suggestions for improvement!
And, of course, I want to share it with you all on Bitcointalk, who have been so helpful over the last few months. I would be honored if anyone here is willing to read it and point out any mistakes.
Since most members here prefer to remain anonymous, I've published version 01 and recorded it on the blockchain using Mirror (I have a Google doc, but it requires an email to share!).
Note: Bibliographic references are still missing
Feel free to suggest best practices for this post! My plan is to update it as I make corrections and/or add content. If this post violates any forum rules, please let me know, and I will edit or delete it as necessary.
I hope the book will have many pages of acknowledgments! While I plan to release it for free and cannot offer payment for assistance, rest assured that, with your permission, your names (or in this case, profiles) will be mentioned in the book.
After all, the goal is to make it CC0 so that anyone can download, read, and learn a bit about Bitcoin!
It has been a challenging, demanding, but ultimately rewarding journey. I hope to continue learning and giving back to the community and those outside it with some insightful content.