Te dejo un link al
libro blanco en inglés (la versión en español estará disponible próximamente) de donde extraigo y te adjunto la siguiente información con respecto al copyright y el proyecto ARTEX:
ARTEX will allow anyone who is in the market for a painting or photo to use one click to find all the pertinent information – the copyright owner, property rights, current location, and the controlling gallery.
5. Copyright protection for photographers
Artex contends that, in the future, photographers will not need to use the courts to prove that they are the rightful owners of the copyright. Courts will accept the records that are confirmed by a blockchain system. This will greatly reduce legal costs, will reduce unlawful duplication, and will legally protect artists.
As technologies move forward, we have decided to inscrbe the records of each piece of artwork and picture in blockchain and make them open to all the market participants. This will allow us to confirm the pictures authenticity, protect photographers’ copyrights, and solve many other issues.
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