Pooltogether is a place where you can win lottery by staking DAI.
https://www.pooltogether.com/They offer a bounty for attracting new users.
https://gitcoin.co/issue/pooltogether/pooltogether-contracts/29/4309I have an idea but no coding skills.
So any developer is free to take it and maybe win 1,500$
Simple site with register, login and earning page.
Any user who wants to register must use signed message address (proof of ownership and security measure so that user is always in control of his funds).
Earnings page has few ads and hcaptcha widget. Everytime user completes hcaptcha his counter is increased by one. When hcaptcha payout occures, users are paid by percentage of solved captchas. Also income from ads is sent to their address based on number of completed captchas.
Example: there are 1000 completed captchas and hcaptcha payout is 1$
user A has completed 600 captchas, user B 200 captchas, user C 200 captchas
user A= 60 cent
user B = 20 cent
user C = 20 cent
Ads on site have earned 1$ and users also get paid based on their solved captchas
user A= 60 cent
user B = 20 cent
user C = 20 cent
Idea is that users earn with solving captchas and only spend their time. Their earnings go to pooltogether and they have a chance to win lottery there without spending any money. When they want they can withdraw their savings.
It can be expanded with mining, other faucet sharing, airdrops....