Today I managed to do research on cerlos bounty project and I find few red flags that I will like to share with you guys, here is the bounty project link At first, the red flag I spotted was the teams pictures, how hard can it be that teams can't take high quality pictures with a camera or their smartphones instead they used blurry pictures and it's same pictures on their LinkedIn account, the only difference is color, Black and White.
2. Secondly the CEO himself has two different names, the project website ( ) says Robert Bedard and on another website ( ) says Robert .H , to me I think the real Robert is Robert .H because the same picture was used on website, here is a screenshot from
3. Another red flag is one of the team advisor named ( Antoon Eggenhuizen ) which real name is unknown but another LinkedIn account says this man name is (Jaap Kolk ), below is another screenshot to back my claim
Now my question to all bounty hunters promoting this project is, what the hell are you guys doing? How do you even do research in the first place? These scams aren't that hard to see , I'm surprised many bounty hunters joined, this have a lot to say that people don't do research anymore and yet you will see them creating posts about not getting paid from bounty projects on this forum when the fault was theirs, Grow up Hunters, Grow up.