Hi I`m a talented software programmer, I got 7 softwares that I made that needs to be advertised hard. Each software contains 1 banner ad inside it, so the more people use it/ see it, i get revenue from. The mission is to make more people watch/ use my softwares.
Here I need your help guys!
I am giving to all of you commercial rights, royalty free, to sell my softwares or monetize them in any shape or form you wish. So that means that you can download them for free and then re-sell it on websites (where people don't know it's free), or monetize them in any shape or form you wish.
Ways to monetize it:■Upload them to Pay-per-Download sites, such as Megabitload.com, it can be bitcoin based or normal cash based sites, google them, and find the one that suits you. After you chose your favorite PPD site, start advertising it on social media (since it's free), or just spend a little money to advertise it on websites
■Upload to softpedia or similar free-to-download sites
■Create a torrent file and put a "CLICK THIS LINK PLEASE.URL", a URL extension file, that is a shortcut to your website, and put that in the torrent. So after people will download the torrent of my software, they will click your website shortcut, and you get free impressions to your website or referral link that you wish to advertise. Make sure you upload it to all torrents sites, I `ve already uploaded it to a few, so upload it to the rest of them.
■Sell them on websites where you can sell softwares like amazon or whatever for real money (3-10$ / each piece, i dont think its worth more)
■Put them on other forums for sale (except this one), there are many forums out there where you can sell digital goods, so go ahead.
■Or other creative ways that you may think about
Obviously who will sell it first will get the most profits, so be quick guys until somebody else doesn't sell it before you. Now the reason why I don't sell it is simple , because I already got a banner ad in it, I don't have time to put it on all websites on the internet and manage 50 accounts, but you guys do have time, if each one of you sells it on 2-3 websites, then you can arrange it that the competition can be a bit loose and everyone gets profits.
And of course
you can keep all the profits that you made by monetizing it, that is your
BOUNTY, as I told you no royalty is required, there is a license file embedded in the softwares, read that for more info!
Here are my softwares that needs to be sold (Main Thread):
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/free-bitcoin-softwares-948131Direct Download Link:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/4j7d7229cf2wxj2/My+Softwares+2.0.rarGood luck!