the times we are living in data privacy and protection is the main concern across the globe, especially the way in which private data is handled by corporations in a virtually connected world. The EU has issued a series of guidelines to protect the private information of citizens of European Union, called GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and are binding on all the members of EU. This regulation, which must be complied with from May 25th, 2018, establishes a series of rules and sanctions for those business and professional entities having business activity in the European territory or handling private data of EU citizens.The GDPR aims to protect personal data (all data sets that identifies a person) of all citizens of the EU and codifies their rights that all entities processing data of EU citizens are under obligation to honour. With these regulations, the citizen has right to access the data that an entity may have, the right to be erased from any database, and the right to explicit consent. Not only the citizens have more rights but the regulations also impose new obligations on business entities, such as mandatory communication of security breaches in 72 hours. A failure to comply with GDPR will result into monetary penalty of up to 4% of the entity’s income or 20 million euros, whichever is higher. In addition, the business entities may be barred from processing personal data in future, which may be synonymous with not being able to conduct business at all. One of the main objectives of protection is the transfer of documents, which must be confidential and guarantee an adequate level of security that includes protection against unauthorized or illegal treatment and against loss, destruction or accidental damage. This confidential and secure exchange of information shall be the focus business segment of MARAChain.The Secure Exchange of Digital Documentation allows transmission of encrypted and secure documentation, restricting access to third parties and offering access management to these creditable transfers, through an auditable, verifiable and secure P2P transaction. These transmissions will be made through a distributed network of nodes located in the main European CPDs, guaranteeing 24x7 availability of information as well as protection against information loss thanks to the redundancy of MARAChain network.CONTACTUS
BOUNTYPROGRAMMARAChain will launch the MARA token at the pre-Sales price of 10 eur cents (approx. $0.12), and with the aim of creating and maintaining a community of users and investors, will offer 4.25% of the MARA tokens to the participants of this Bounty Program (BP henceforth).
Members of BP will receive a number of points for promotional activity, which are translated into tokens after the end of the public sale. This transfer of Points to MARA Tokens will be made proportionally to the total number of points distributed in this BP. More than
4,250,000 MARA Tokens will never be distributed.
This BP consists of the following sections of participation:
Social Media- Twitter
- Linkedin
- Telegram
- Reddit
Blog Media- Blog specialized in GDPR, ICO, Blockchain, or Data Protection: Mentions or Review of MARAChain or any of its products
- Articles published in CoinTelegraph, Forbes, CoinDesk, or other top-level media: Mentions or Review of MARAChain or any of its products
TranslationsEach section is made up of a series of participation conditions, but all have the following linguistic condition in common: “
Only publications made in English, Spanish, German and French, as well as having correct use in grammar and spelling, will be taken into account; in addition to being correct information about the project.” Those publications that do not meet this condition, or those that affect it will not be taken into account for the evaluation of the points.
SOCIALMEDIATwitter:CONDITIONS- Accounts with at least 1,000 followers, and never more than 10% of fake followers
- Must be followers of @MARAChain_EU
- Máx 20 retweets/week
- Tweets with +1,000 likes, bonus of 50% of extra points
- Tweets should mention @MARAChain_EU
- Tweets with only “@MARAChain_eu” will not be considered
- Retweets of themselves will not be considered
GRATIFICATION- 1,000–2,500 followers: 50 points per retweet + like or original tweet
- 2,501–5,000 followers: 100 points per retweet + like or original tweet
- 5,000–7,500 followers: 250 points per retweet + like or original tweet
- +7,501 followers: 500 points per retweet + like or original tweet
SUBSCRITION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Login to your Twitter account
2. Go to the account profile @MARAChain_EU, and click on FOLLOW; and maintain until, minimum, finalize the ICO.
3. Send email to
[email protected] with Subject: “BP Twitter” with link to Twitter account.
Once your subscription is accepted, after checking compliance with the established conditions, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription in the BP and an identification code. Save this code because it will help you identify yourself in the BP platform that we will make available to participants.
LinkedIN:CONDITIONS- Accounts with at least 500 contacts
- Maximum 20 shares + recommendations per week
- Must be follower of the company page:
GRATIFICATION- Account with less 2,500 contacts — 50 points per share + recommendation
- Account with more 2,501 contacts — 100 points per share + recommendation
SUBSCRITION INSTRUCTIONS- Send email to [email protected] with Subject: “BP LinkedIN” with link to LinkedIN account.
Once your subscription is accepted, after checking compliance with the established conditions, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription in the BP and an identification code. Save this code because it will help you identify yourself in the BP platform that we will make available to participants.
Telegram:CONDITIONS- Participants must access the ICO Telegram group and remain there until the distribution of the BP.
- Spamming, advertising and using bad words in the group is strictly prohibited.
GRATIFICATION- Join to MARAChain_Support Group — 25 points
- Group Moderation — 150 points per week
2. Send email to
[email protected] with Subject: “BP Telegram” with link to Telegram account. (
Once your subscription is accepted, after checking compliance with the established conditions, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription in the BP and an identification code. Save this code because it will help you identify yourself in the BP platform that we will make available to participants.
Reddit:CONDITIONSGRATIFICATION- Account with less 2,500 contacts — 50 points per share + recommendation
- Account with more 2,501 contacts — 100 points per share + recommendation
SUBSCRITION INSTRUCTIONSOnce your subscription is accepted, after checking compliance with the established conditions, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription in the BP and an identification code. Save this code because it will help you identify yourself in the BP platform that we will make available to participants.
BLOGMEDIABlogs:CONDITIONS- It must be an original text (no Copy and Paste of other articles or texts of the official Whitepaper)
- Must be in English or Spanish
- Must be public access
- Must have at least 500 characters, without spaces.
- Must contain a link to the ICO website:
- Must contain a link to the Telegram Group:
GRATIFICATION- Mentions of MARAChain or any of its products — 500 points
- Review of MARAChain or any of its products — 2,000 points
SUBSCRITION INSTRUCTIONS- Send email to [email protected] with subject: “BP Blog” with link to the published text.
Once your subscription is accepted, after checking compliance with the established conditions, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription in the BP and an identification code. Save this code because it will help you identify yourself in the BP platform that we will make available to participants.
Articles published in top-level media:CONDITIONS- It must be an original text (no Copy and Paste of other articles or texts of the official Whitepaper)
- Must be in English or Spanish
- Must be public access
- Must have at least 1,000 characters, without spaces.
- Must contain a link to the ICO website:
- Must contain a link to the Telegram Group:
GRATIFICATION- Mentions of MARAChain or any of its products — 2,000 points
- Review of MARAChain or any of its products — 10,000 points
SUBSCRITION INSTRUCTIONS- Send email to [email protected] with subject: “BP Article” with link to the published article.
Once your subscription is accepted, after checking compliance with the established conditions, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription in the BP and an identification code. Save this code because it will help you identify yourself in the BP platform that we will make available to participants.
TRANSLATIONSCONDITIONS- Translation must be made professionally.
- Deadlines: Website in 2 days; Whitepaper in 5 days
- Languages:
- English
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Italian
GRATIFICATION- Website — 10,000 points
- Whitepaper — 30,000 points
[email protected] with Subject: “BP Translations” requesting authorization for the desired translation. After verifying your application and checked the availability of your translation, you will be notified by e-mail, confirmed authorization and deadline for delivery. The delivery will be made only by email.
ANNEXTime- Duration: The BP will have a start date of May 30, 2018, and it’ll end 15 days after the end of the ICO.
- Distribution: The MARA Tokens will be distributed 15 days after the end of the ICO, after verification of compliance with the conditions of this BP.
Subscription NotificationsThis will be done through email, and a response will be returned (in the case of a supported subscription) from the
[email protected] email account. It is important that you have this electronic address between the contacts, to avoid automatic hosting in the SPAM tray.
MARA Tokens- MARA tokens comply with the ERC-20 standard.
- The BP participant must indicate their compatible Wallet address in the subscription email.
- In case of several subscription emails, the last indicated Wallet address will be taken into account.
- The MARA tokens distributed in the BP will not have equivalence in MARAChain Benefits, such as those acquired in the established purchase processes such as: Private Presale, Public Presale and Main Sale.
Participants list- Once the Main Sale of MARAChain has been started, a list of BP participants will be made available to the general public. In accordance with the data protection regulations, this list will show the following fields: Subscription Code, Participation Section, and Points obtained.
- This list will be updated between the days 15 to 17 of the Main Sale, and at the end of the Main Sale.
Breaches of conditions- Breach to comply with any of the conditions established in this BP, may be notified to the infringer by email.
- If a participant receives three notifications of non-compliance, he will no longer be part of the BP, and MARAChain will not have to pay back the actions taken.
Right to Modification and/or Cancellation- MARAChain reserves the right to make Modifications and Cancellations of the conditions, rewards and instructions of this Bounty Program.
- If you exercise this right, you will be notified by means of a note in the Telegram Group @MARAChain_Support.
- If the use of this right involves modification of the amount of the points, this will not be retroactive.