I tried to run cgminer from the same computer running the server and from another one in my LAN, but without any success.
Whenever i launch the cgminer it gets stuck "Probing for an alive pool" as if the address was wrong (witch isn't) or the rpc credentials are (witch are in fact correct too).
I tried to port scan the server with another pc in my lan and it's not showing any open 8336 or 8337 port (these are the ports I used...).
I forwarded the ports to my server using the router administration panel. Guess what? Still not working and no open 8332 port after port scan.
Btw here's what i did:
-Compiled the wallet and set it to be always running as server ( ./dogecoind -server -datadir=path/to/datadir ). Here's my config for the dogecoin wallet:
The wallet is working (i can send/receive payments and getmininginfo returns correct and updated information) but there is no way to connect the cgminer and solo mine on the damn wallet.
From the same pc
From the other pc in my lan:
In both cases the cgminer gets stuck at "Probing for an alive Pool". Given i can't see any listening 8336 or 8337 ports when I portscan, i'm thinking there's something wrong in my net configuration. What could be other than the usual port forwarding from the router (i've done this yet) ? Maybe some software firewall within ubuntu?