Twitter Campaign — 30%
3 millions Watercoin WTR tokens will be offered within the Twitter Campaign.
1- Application to the Twitter Campaign2- Token attribution plana) Subscription to the WatercoinWTR Twitter
- 10 WTR — if you have more than 50 followers
- Retweet of Watercoin WTR posts :
- 50 WTR — if you have more than 50 followers
- 100 WTR — if you have 200–500 followers
- 200 WTR — if you have 501–1000 followers
- 300 WTR — if you have 1001–5000 followers
- 500 WTR — if you have 5000+ followers
b) Use of #watercoinwtr or the link: 25 WTR — if you tweet once about Watercoin WTR
- 75 WTR — if you get more than 25 like/RT for your Tweet
- 100 WTR — if you get more than 100 like/RT for your Tweet
- 150 WTR — if you get more than 200 like/RT for your Tweet
LinkedIn Campaign — 40%
4 millions Watercoin WTR tokens will be offered within the LinkedIn campaign.
1- Application to the Linkedin Campaign 2- Token attribution plana) Repost of Watercoin WTR publications
- 50 WTR — if you have more than 500 followers
- 100 WTR — if you have more than 1000 followers
- 200 WTR — if you have more than 10 000 followers
- 500 WTR — if you have more than 50 000 followers
- 1000 WTR — if you have more than 100 000 followers
b) Post about WTR
- 100 WTR — if you have more than 500 followers
- 200 WTR — if you have more than 1000 followers
- 500 WTR — if you have more than 10 000 followers
- 1000 WTR — if you have more than 50 000 followers
- 5000 WTR — if you have more than 100 000 followers
Facebook Campaign — 30%
3 millions Watercoin WTR tokens will be offered within the Facebook campaign.
1- Application to the Facebook Campaign2- Token attribution plana) Presence on the Facebook page
- 5 WTR — if you like Watercoin WTR Facebook page’s post
b) Sharing of Watercoin WTR posts
- 10 WTR — if you share Watercoin WTR Facebook page content
- 50 WTR — if you get more than 10 like/comment/shares for your share
- 100 WTR — if you get more than 25 like/comment/shares for your share
- 300 WTR — if you get more than 100 like/comment/shares for your share
- 500 WTR — if you get more than 200 like/comment/shares for your share
c) Use of #watercoinwtr or the link 25 WTR — if you post about WTR
- 100 WTR — if you get more than 10 like/comment/shares for your share
- 200 WTR — if you get more than 25 like/comment/shares for your share
- 600 WTR — if you get more than 100 like/comment/shares for your share
- 1000 WTR — if you get more than 200 like/comment/shares for your share
d) Publication of Watercoin WTR content in specialized groups
- 100 WTR — if you post about WTR
- 1000 WTR — if you get more than 100 like/comment/shares for your post
- 2000 WTR — if you get more than 200 like/comment/shares for your post
e) Supporting WTR in your own Facebook group or on your page
If you’re an admin of a crypto/trading/ai page or a group and would like to support WTR, please write us at
[email protected] and so we can discuss the details.