Heardbeats Official Bounty Program
We hare happy to announce the Heardbeat Official Bounty Program
3% of the total supply will be allocated to the Heardbeat Bounty Program.
The program will run until the end of the token sale ( scheduled on the December 21th 2017)
Bounty Allocation
Campaign 1 : Bitcointalk Signature - 50%
Campaign 2 : Translation & Moderation - 15%
Campaign 3 : Media, Videos, Forums & Blog Posts - 30%
Campaign 4 : Twitter - 5%
General Terms
You have to create an account on Heardbeats with your full name and email to provide this email for bounties, the rewards will be sent to your account. You can create your account here . - The bounty campaigns starts at the moment of creation of this thread
- 3% is allocated to the bounty, the amount of rewards will depend on the token sale results
- The Bounty Manager can make slight changes in the Bounty Campaign if deemed necessary
- If your rank change during the campaign, PM the Bounty Manager
Aerys2 - Using multi-accounts, cheating, using someone else to do the work and spamming or any kind of unethical behavior when participating to one of the campaigns are not allowed and will get you disqualified from all bounties.
All participants have to join Heardbeat's Telegram group _______________________________________________________________________________
Bitcointalk Signature
Stakes allocation for each rank :
Full Member:
4 stakes/weekSr Member:
6 stakes/weekHero/Legendary:
10 stakes/weekInstructions to participate :
- Add the signature corresponding to your rank level and the avatar and personal text
- Fill this Google form
form- Notify in this thread once you have the signature, avatar and personal text on
Rules :
- Participants have to be at least Full Member, do not apply if you are not at least Full Member
- Signature, avatar and personal have to be kept until the end of the token sale (you will be notified on this thread when you can remove it, do not remove it until further instructions )
- A minimum of 15 meaningful posts per week must be made. 2 weeks without posting the minimum of 15 posts a week will get you disqualified. Off-topic, spam and burst posts will not be counted
- Posts must have a minimum length of 75 characters
- Posts are counted every sunday
- If you rank changes during the campaign, notify me.
- Accounts with negative trust from DT-2 or DT-1 are not allowed to enroll
This Signature Bounty is limited to 102 participants only !Check your participation status here
Personal Message Heardbeats - The future of live concerts Signatures
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[font=arial][color=#444][url=https://heardbeats.com/docs/heardbeats_whitepaper.pdf][color=#444]Whitepaper[/url] | [url=https://www.facebook.com/heardbeats][color=#444]Facebook[/url] | [url=https://t.me/heardbeats_group][color=#444]Telegram[/url] | [url=https://heardbeats.com/bounty/][color=#444]Bounty[/url] | [url=https://heardbeats.com][color=#444]Web[/url]
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