
Topic: [BOUNTY][POST-ICO] SOMA MVP Bounty Program - Test our MVP and get $SCT (Read 306 times)

Activity: 115
Merit: 0
Soma will provide a decentralized marketplace for items  but it will go beyond to include a P2P cryptocurrency exchange  decentralized  exchang or DEX  in industry parlance. Soma also provides a secure wallet to store cryptocurrencies  and a crypto portfolio to track gains and losses. People outside the cryptoworld can gain their first access to cryptocurrencies by selling items on the Soma platform. This provides easy exposure for people who dont want to put active income to the volatile cryptocurrency asset class. Finally  a platform that will bring the cryptoeconomy to the masses!
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 276

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On June 25, 2018, SOMA launched a minimum viable product on the Ethereum testnet.
(read our announcement HERE for details on what this means)

To incentivize a robust and vibrant user base, we’re announcing a system of rewards. There will be three ways for users to receive SCT rewards. All of them require you to download our Android app and create a wallet. Our MVP announcement provides details and instructions on how to do so.


  • Be a member of the SOMA Telegram group at the time rewards are distributed
  • Contribute meaningfully to the conversation on the SOMA Telegram group. By ‘meaningfully’ we mean some sort of commentary or conversation that goes beyond ‘hello,’ and is not pure FUD. Constructive criticism is OK, even welcome, as is encouragement, or other types of feedback. Or, just participate in whatever topic is currently afloat in the group.

App & Wallet Reward

This program incentivizes community members to perform the simple action of downloading the SOMA app and creating a wallet.
You can download our Android App in Google Play. Download our MVP here: (don't forget to rate our app)

Join our Telegram channel if you encounter any problems.

Rewards for the App & Wallet Setup will be 25 SCT per qualifying participant, deposited into the participant’s SCT wallet upon the platform going live on the Ethereum mainnet (currently scheduled to occur in Q4 2018).

MVP Feedback Reward

This reward incentivizes community members to use the MVP on the Ethereum testnet and submit feedback regarding future improvements. There is no set reward for feedback given; rather, it is a pool that will be distributed across all qualifying participants in a classic bell curve. Much like grades in a university course, those with an ‘A’ will be fewer and will be rewarded more, those with a ‘C’ and ‘B’ will be the most plentiful and will receive a medium-sized reward, and those with ‘D’ or ‘F’ scores will be less numerous and will receive smaller rewards.

Each feedback submission will go through a Google form created for this purpose, and will be stored in a spreadsheet that tracks number of submissions per participant. ‘Grades’ will be assigned based on number of submissions and also on the quality of feedback. We will soon publish the spreadsheet so you can track your submission.

1. Feedback must be submitted via the SOMA MVP Feedback form:
2. Feedback must be constructive. That is, it must offer thoughtful ideas for how to improve the platform.

The following types of submissions will be disqualified:
  • Generalizations: ‘make it more user-friendly’
  • Disparagements: ‘your platform sucks’
  • Feedback that is obvious, or that is regarding known issues or improvements that have been discussed openly in the Telegram group: ‘need high transactions per second when platform goes live.’
In short, MVP feedback must thoughtfully present a legitimate improvement to the SOMA product with feedback that is original (to the best of your understanding) and specific.

The SOMA team has allotted an average of 50 SCT to each qualifying participant. Note that this is an AVERAGE; actual distribution across the bell curve will result in some contributors receiving significantly more and others significantly fewer.

SOMA Bug Program

SOMA will reward users who alert us to bugs. The reward for the bug bounty will be more substantial than the other reward initiatives detailed in this part; at the same time, the bug bounty will have the most stringent qualification rules.

1. The bug, obviously, must be legitimate
2. The bug must be reported using the official SOMA Bug Bounty Feedback form:
3. Each bug will only receive 1 reward. Rewards for each are awarded on a first-come, first serve basis. The person who reports a bug first, gets rewarded. Subsequent reports of the same bug will receive no reward.

The SOMA bug bounty amount is set at 200 SCT.


If i get rewards in 1 of the 3 programs, can I still qualify for others?
Yes. You can participate and receive rewards in all 3 programs. For instance, if you did the App & Wallet Setup and submitted one qualifying bug for the Bug Bounty Program, you would receive 20 SCT + 200 SCT = 220 SCT.

If I’ve already submitted MVP feedback prior to this program being announced, does it count toward my ‘MVP feedback’ grade?
Yes, if the feedback meets our criteria, it will count.

Can I get my SCT deposited somewhere other than my SOMA wallet?
No. The rewards of all three programs will be deposited in the SOMA wallets of the participants, and nowhere else.

When will I get my SCT for participating in these programs?
For app instantiation, you will get your 20 SCT soon after the app goes live on the Ethereum mainnet. MVP feedback will run until the app goes live and the MVP period is closed?—?rewards will be distributed soon thereafter. Bug bounty will run until further notice; bounty winners will get their 200 SCT (per bug reported) no sooner than the app going live, and periodically afterward if warranted.

We still have 2 airdrops running!
  • Ethos Airdrop
  • AirdropX Platform

Join our Telegram group for more information!
Read this article about our distribution:
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