Decentralised Apps for Social ChangeI can't code, but I have some half decent ideas for apps I'd like to see. I can identify the problem, write an idea for a GUI, and help with development.
I'm interested in solving issues like where to buy low cost water filters, solar dehydrating food tutorials. Or maybe a "craigslist for basic needs technology". Moving money without tariffs, decentralized governance, meeting other forward-thinking people, bringing crypto to non tech users, rapid file sharing etc.
If you have any ideas for apps. using any platform you like, please stick them here.
TranslationIf an app is small and intuitive, I can help translate it to Indonesian, Spanish and Mandarin. That's 2 billion ppl in up and coming markets. I have a fair idea how to localize.
I figure the future is decentralized. from an Apple Coder:Decentralized companies sound awesome. Ebay went a long way towards decentralization but we can go further. Any type of decentralized selling is good for the free-market. I'm most interested in grabbing the 'basic needs' niche.
Basic Needs Supermarket or Online Store.A (scrappy) essay about an ebay, craigslist or physical store focused solely on human basics. Proposal to Improve Preventative Healthcare Knowledge Using Wikis2-300 hours crowdresearch on a wiki could make an invaluable repository of information.