How is this compared to cgminer
The second part of the program is a Windows GUI wrapper of the Dominatrix engine, called WinDigger. WinDigger will use all the features of the Dominatrix Engine and add Graphical support. You can actual use your mouse! With menus and tabs, it is easy to enter data and to monitor your mining. For example, the GPU Kernel Window you can change the Kernel per GPU, Kernel parameters, and test out your pick without connected to a pool. User selects the variables with pull down boxes, sliders, and buttons. Yes, it has a GPU Kernel Test button and a progress bar, to get the max hashes per second out of your GPU. Also, there will be a custom AMD Overclocking scheme that will control the GPU clock and/or Fan RPM/Percentage. Also, I might have a graph tab, to graph out data like, hashes per second, threads per minute, difficulty break down by 2^x, and so on. I might not add this feature in, and still deciding. I will be connected to Mt Gox, to get the latest Bitcoin pricing, and graph out the data. I am sure I am missing some feature, there are just too many to remember. WinDigger can only be used on a Windows machine, but the Dominatrix engine will work on Windows, Mac, and Linux. WinDigger will be free to the public, but I will not be giving out the source code for it, just the Dominatrix engine’s source code. Please see below for some pictures of Windigger.
I am finishing up the programs and it should be done in about 1-2 months. I would love to get people’s opinions on what Bitcoin mining strategies that people like and use. For Back-up, I will have the standard fail-over, round robin, and rotate. I will add in a box for rotate to enter the minutes in to mine before rotating.
For Balance strategies, it will be a little different. Now that multiple Pools can be open, not just for all devices, but for just one device, it changes how the strategies might work. Here is what I am thinking.
Multiple Pool Thread Selecting (MPTS) – Let’s take an example of one GPU with four Pools. MPTS will have 8 threads to look for in one run. You can balance it by giving each Pool 2 threads. So Dominatrix engine will find 2 threads in the first Pool, then switch over to the second Pool and find 2 threads, and so on until it find 2 threads for the Last Pool. But you can have 3 Pools instead of 4. Then give the first Pool 4 threads (50%) and the next 2 Pools 2 threads (25%) each. So you can give out the threads in 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. This is similar to Load Balancing, but you can pick the balance percentage and have it on just one GPU, instead of all your devices.
Found Block Strategy – Windigger can monitor the user’s Pool’s API info, and can figure out when a Pool has found a block. Then Windigger can mine that Pool with user define device(s), for a user-define time. I might add in a priority list for the Pools. So if one Pool finds a block, then a minute later a different Pool finds a block, does Windigger switch offer? Using the priority list, it will now what to do. Currently only Windigger has this strategy and I might add it to the Dominatrix engine.
Multiple Pool Difficulty Selecting (MPDS) – Same as MPTS, but using difficulty of the found thread. So the users can select the difficulty limit for the Pools. For an example, the user selects ‘4’ for the four Pools. The first Pools gets 4 difficulty 1 threads, so it is complete, and then moves onto the next Pool. Then next pool get 2 difficulty 1 threads and 1 difficulty 2 thread, so it is complete. This will continue going around.
Please reply what you thinking about these strategies. Also, if you have any strategies that you like to see, please explain them. Examples really help out. Also please tell me what strategies that you use. Thanks for the help.
WinDigger and the Dominatrix engine should be complete in about 1-2 months, but there is no guarantee. I am disabled and do coding when I can, so please be patient. Also, I might not be able to answer questions right away, but this should be rare. Only when I am feeling like crap, I will stay offline.