Someone with lots of money can literally create some crap on any blockchain, pump it, and then pay few shills on social media to promote it.
It's still crap even if it is on bitcoin blockchain, and this crap is responsible for high transaction fees right now, but I don't see any miners complaining... it's just business for them
Lol if I were a miner, I wouldn't be complaining myself. Miners are the ones benefiting from this whole humongous transaction fees saga and that's why you don't see them complain about it or look for solutions to the problems and just leave the whole issue to get solve on its own.
I'm pretty sure they're aware that the network is congested because of these same SPAM tokens parading themselves on the Bitcoin Blockchain, and believe these miners know exactly how to solve the problem but it's all just business to them.
I'm pretty sure they know already that introducing a minimum transaction fee that's high enough to discourage the creation of these token would go a long way to solve this whole shit coin menace on the Bitcoin Blockchain causing such a congestion as never seen before, but they won't do nothing about it, lol.
Solutions for this are not on Layer 1, they're on L2.
Ark is close to making a prototype, it's like Lightning network but without direct client-to-client connections:
Decoupling client-to-client connections from the main Blockchain is undoubtedly a promising solution to the issue of Blockchain spam, as it could potentially allow for more efficient transactions and lower fees. However, don't you think that such a technology would take too long to become widely adopted, even if it were to eventually become the new standard for the Blockchain?