These are not bots, all promos are promoted to real people until the target is achieve with 100% of the time over achieving the target.
All Twitter promos are legal with no chance of bans (as of yet)
Followers (real and active) per 1000 = $55
Post Likes per 1000 = $15
Post Retweets per 1000 = $15
Poll Votes per 1000 = $10
Video Views per 1000 = $3
Impressions per 1000 = $3
Profile Click per 1000 = $3
Hashtag Click per 1000 = $3
Link Click per 1000 = $3
Escrow is more than welcome.
Bulk discount can be provided.
Delivery time is not guaranteed as I am not holding these users at gunpoint
, however the results are guaranteed.
Tests can be provided for serious buyers.
Lets work together.