i have 6660 input how can manage that ??
Let me guess: you've been hunting faucets for many years? You're going to want to read this:
Fees are low, use this opportunity to Consolidate your small inputs!So you're the guy who's going to make Bitcoin's blockchain 40 MB bigger
Blocks are limited to 1 MB (ignoring SegWit), which means you'll make enough transactions to fill mempool for many hours.
40 MB transactions will cost you at least 0.4 Bitcoin in fees, at the minimum of 1 sat/byte.
For that many inputs, I would use Bitcoin Core with coin control enabled (import the private keys). Then select which inputs to use for each transaction, and send it. I find this easier than using Electrum to select inputs.
I'm pretty sure your transactions can't/shouldn't be bigger than 100 kb, so you're looking at 400 transactions to make.
Out of curiousity: do you mind sharing which address(es) you used?
Update: even if you use uncompressed inputs, 6600 inputs shouldn't be that big. With compressed inputs, it should be 10 MB.