-It may not be good for any place, but there is no way it will ever go away. There will always be prostitution, so having it legal provides better health safety and better working conditions for the women. And I disagree that it is not good. How is it not good, do you have proof in some way, or do you just think that sex outside the missionary position with married people is icky?
I'm not saying the prostitution is icky, but I think prostitution is one of the places where you have higher potential to infected by HIV. Yeah you can be very careful about it, and it's okay if brothel owners always check their workers healthy then. But, legal prostitution doesn't mean the sex workers is always free from AIDS, there is always a possibility to get infected. Make sure your condom is not broken everytime you go there.
-So, if it is forbidden in YOUR religion, then everyone should have to follow your rules? I don't think so. I have some beliefs that you would be very upset at being forced to follow. This is how other people feel when you force your contrived morality on them. It is also not forbidden in aspects of life (?). You may not be aware of it, but lots and lots of people have lots and lots of sex, much of it against the antiquated rules set out by religion. Money may not be exchanged in most cases but there is plenty of adultery, sodomy (technically any sex not for procreation), and other types of naughtiness going on. Just because you don't get any doesn't mean that other people should not.
Yeah it's up to us to follow rules from religion. It just depend on perception of every person. But, I think its not a good thing if you have been married, and what do you think if your wife has known that you ever visited the prostitution. Then it's okay if you is still being single, do whatever we want.
-To the contrary , the illegalization of this industry contributes to the slave industry adn poor treatment of workers. If everything was on the table and regulated, then it would be more difficult to use slaves for this. Again we have the case where antiquated religious beliefs end up hurting people because of the refusal to accept reality. Prostitution will never go away, it will be the last thing to go right after the cockroaches die off. So you can pretend that it doesn't happen, or you can deal with it in a way that is best for everyone. I hope that we can stop saying "lalalal LA LA!!!!" with our eyes closed and our fingers in our ears. You want to stop human trafficing then you need to deal with the problem in reality, not some make believe world where no one has sex.
I agree with it. Make something become illegal just force people to break the rules.