Web site will be here:
www.2b4u.ioIt is under development now, any assistance is welcome.
You obviously know that there are many internet domains names, based on different blockchains.
Like NameCoin, Emercoin, Ethereum name servers.
But is it easy for an ordinary user to browse them?
Ideally they should just enter address of the domain in the browser as they do with ICANN domain names.
We want to make such a browser.
But it will have a bit more other features:
- Browser, which pays users for internet browsing and gets profits from ads, which it places on any browsed web sites. It s goal is to get value back to users (now it is owned and basically explored and sold by big data companies)
- Browser can be front end for fog computing projects (any of them like SONM, Golem, iex.ec etc.). When you browse internet you just check the box and can rent out your disk space, your computing power and get paid for it.
- Any domain name can be registered in the system. Not just top level domain names like name.name, but anything like johnsmith, isaaknewton etc. without ltd at all, just by using name. Btw, this name can could be used as an address for cryptocurrencies wallet as well.
So at least 4-5 directions of its monetisation and possibilities to make it highly profitable, which can give chances to compete with internet giants (by using higher profits and faster growth as main competitive advantage).