Proved by calculations. Care to argue? Didn't think so.
You need to work on getting a better understanding of the word "possible" (or at least make sure that everyone is using the same understanding before you try to have a conversation).
You've proven that 1/2
160 > 0
You've not proven that brute forcing a bitcoin address is possible.
You've left out a significant number of very important facts and variables resulting in a useless calculation.
Please calculate the total amount of energy in our solar system that we can use for the purposes of brute forcing the bitcoin address. We'll call this value "
Please keep in mind that if too much energy is removed from the solar system for this purpose, there won't be enough left for the survival of the inhabitants, and that without any inhabitants to operate the brute forcing equipment,
brute forcing won't be possible.
Once you've established the total amount of energy available for the task at hand, given a private key please calculate the total absolute physical minimum amount of energy required to calculate a bitcoin address from that private key. We'll call this value "
Clearly if 2
160 X requiredEnergy > availableEnergy, then brute forcing a bitcoin address may not be possible. If it might not be possible, then you can't say that it is possible.
Of course, all these calculations are based on 2
160 which would be fine if the OP asked about brute forcing a bitcoin address. However, since you seem so keen on the specifics of the situation, it is perhaps worth noticing that the OP actually asked about brute forcing a private key. If for some reason we want to find the exact private key, then we might be able to simplify the calculation (assuming we know the public key that we are trying to match) which would reduce the value of requiredEnergy quite a bit. However, we'd have to increase the search space from 2
160 to 2
So perhaps the real quuestion to determine possibility is whether or not the following is true:
256 X requiredEnergy < availableEnergy
Furthermore, if the amount of time required would be larger than the remaining lifespan of the universe, then any equipment being used to attempt the brute force would be destroyed along with the entire existence of the universe prior to completing the brute force attempt. As such, it would not be possible to brute force the private key.
Let me know when you've proven that it is possible.