That's very generous of you (especially considering I haven't actually helped yet )! The amount doesn't matter (much ), the sentiment absolutely does! Thank you!!
If you're dealing with really big sets, there are a few things that can help (if you haven't noticed them already).
- the "--no-dupchecks" command-line option: saves a lot of RAM. Doing duplicate checking isn't very effective for MultiBit Classic .key files anyways.
- the "--max-tokens #" command-line option: if you limit the max # of tokens per guess, it can drastically reduce the # of permutations.
- the "--threads #" command-line option: the # defaults to the number of cores your CPU has, but sometimes using number_of_cores + 1 is a bit faster.
That number sounds right. My Desktop (an c. 2012 quad-core) would take about a week to run through that. Painful, but not impossible IMO.
If you're running into memory issues or crashing, definitely use the "--no-dupchecks" command-line option I mentioned above. If there's some other sort of crash, could you post the full error message you're getting?