Searching for yourself will do you much more good than asking from people around here since you seem quite interested about investing on such coins. If you ask such questions here, there is a huge chance that the people who would answer are those that hold the coins they are mentioning since they wanna shill it a lot to gain more supporters for their own community. So please, do yourself a favor and do your own research so that you can be at ease at investing knowing that you have confirmed for yourself the credibility of a token/coin that you wanna invest in. And if you suffer losses, it won't hurt that much since you are the one who confirmed and made the decision, plus this will also give lots of valuable lesson for you to learn that you can then use when you decide to give investing another try. And if you score big time? It will feel even better!
-Don't take shortcuts, people often stumble a lot when they do so. Doing things slowly but surely is the best way to go in this industry.
-Good luck!