If you have a transactions which is unconfirmed for hours, days or weeks, we can unlock it for you.
The price is 8$ per transaction (which is affordable) but it should be with this characteristics :
- No double spend.
- Size not bigger than 2800 Byte.
- Minimum 10 satoshis per Byte.
We can confirm a transaction in only 3-4 hours maximum.
I get scammed last time in this forum for Bitcoin Tx acceleration, that's why I want to sell this service since we don't scam people and have a real way to confirm Tx.
We accept LTC, ETH since they have low fees its perfect.
Contact me on Telegram : btc92
Unfortunately from what we have seen so far around here, when people willingly announce that they don't scam, they obviously do the opposite. It would have been netter if you did not even announce that part and based on your experience, I am beginning to think its a form of payback (my opinion). Since you have a real way to do this, it would be better if you share more rather than us having to rely on your own vouch alone.