Seems to be a great website if it's relying on reports from a lot of websites online. I like the concept to know if the address is a Address of a scammer.
But still, I'm guessing this is not 100% accurate? or some results could also be manipulated by the scammers? or even the website is own by scammers.
I don't rely on them, personally. Third-party websites are only for reference and you should NOT solely rely on them. The scam tag, check progresses and their algorithms are unknown. Even when they publish those algorithms pubicly, we should still NOT rely on them.
Further expansions: Investors can visit,, and many other crypto market sites but if one simply relies on a single site to make an investment decision, they will end with bad someday.
Use any sites you want with your own due diligence and be aware of phishing, scam sites. Always do your own meta-analysis for your decisions.
Got your point, it's not really recommended to use this kind of BTC address checker, or maybe you could use it for some reason but do not really totally rely on the website.
At least for some newbies or your just new in trading, cryptocurrency, etc. you could use it to get some info but do not rely on the website, do your research, etc.