Hi BTC techies,
Firstly, I rate Bitcoin very highly, it's an amazing first step to a wonderful vision that Satoshi had. However, there are certain aspects/limitations of the system, that to me, suggest it will never be any more than a small alternative to Fiat.
Some of you may of heard of my project eMunie, which for all intents and purposes is a more advanced direct competitor, and my goal is for it to far surpass Bitcoins reach...so you may call me biased. That said, I am not here to attack, but to point out and discuss some legitimate issues, these may of been raised before, but I think I can add some further points to the argument.
Specifically I have concerns about BitCoins scalability when it comes down to transaction processing volume. At present, the entire BTC network has the capacity to clear about 140k-160k transactions per day (assuming a average transaction size of ~1k), not too bad. That right now is of course sufficient, but what if tomorrow, you could pay with BitCoin in all the small, mom & pop businesses in the US alone....that then causes a serious issue, that sends your processing requirement through the roof.
Note this has nothing to do with hash power at all, but the limits built into the system currently.
The problemVisa reportedly processes around 300M transactions a day on average, quite a lot! If you break that down into the tx p/s we get around 3500 per second. Now lets say that BTC manages to acquire just 1% of that volume, that then is 3M transactions per day. If the block time stays at 10minutes, then at 144 blocks per day each block would have ~28k transactions. if the average transaction size was still 1kb, then each block would consume ~25MB
Your daily bandwidth requirements, disregarding storage completely, just to keep up would be almost 3GB, and you would need at minimum 50kb (bytes!) per second of constant bandwidth just to have the data alone, without processing. I'm not even bringing into the equation the transactions that are broadcast around the network before they are even IN a block, all 35 per second of them...(that is another 35kb of bandwidth btw, constantly).
Now a lot of you are thinking, yeah so, 3GB per day is nothing, HD space is cheap, internet connections are faster than that etc etc, but you are missing the point. If BTC is adopted in the kind of places I mention, then the PC's these Joe public are using are likely old, underpowered boxes, unmaintained and probably not on the fastest of connections. Furthermore, they are likely not left on all the time so they wont be in sync constantly.
Perhaps Joe decides to load up the BTC client every few days to check his balance, wham, he's got to sit there for hours just waiting for the client to catch up....Joe stops using Bitcoin.
Light clientsThese will help BTC short term, perhaps downloading only the essential blocks that are needed to verify and send un-spents, but even then, at block sizes of 28MB, if you need only 1 or 2 transactions in that block, that's a whole lot of downloading for only a few KB of essential data needed. If local clients don't download block information at all, and just query "chain servers" for the transactions, then sure that is moving away from the decentralized nature of the system somewhat as then you have a much smaller subset of known places where the system can be attacked.
Online walletsWill work, for a while, until the inevitable happens and a hack occurs. With banks your money is insured against loss, with BTC this isn't the case, and I highly doubt that any of the online wallet providers could afford to reimburse 1% worth of Visa scale trade should a major breach happen. Once that happens, Joe public won't want to even know about BTC anymore and it's back to Crypto lovers, speculators and general craziness.
I personally don't see an easy, elegant fix for these potential problems that are ahead for Bitcoin should it become accepted even at these small scale (in the grand scheme of things) numbers as the problems stem from the systems deep rooted design.
These are issues that we have covered from the initial design stages for eMunie and have solutions for, but I fear that for BitCoin the changes needed to be able to handle the above may be too disruptive to implement into the system. That is a real shame as right now the only real contender to pull off Satoshi's vision IS Bitcoin, but from what I can see, it just doesn't have the legs in it's current design.
Hopefully I won't get pitchforked here and we can have some nice discussions on options and I'll chip in with some of our solutions over here if the trolls stay at bay