This is to be considered non-working code. There are at least 8 trade engines some complete and some not. There are also a few hundred configurable options. I am in no way offering to support, assist or implying or stating any warranty for this. Jude has been using an engine for some time and I believe making small profits. I have used various engines and rewrites to trade on micro-rolls and macro rolls with varying degrees of success.
I left a lot of notes as this is the master code file with a lot of unfinished pieces.
If I forgot to remove any personal information or keys, I would appreciate a PM vs an account hack.
The most important settings are exchange, btcekey btcesecret and down towards the bottom the gox key and secret. There is a simulate feature that will just print output and should not execute any trades.
If you can't figure out what this code does: just assume it steals all of your bitcoins.
The EMA feature will take several price changes to start trading since it has to build the EMA table and does not remember it after the program is stopped.
Also: The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (64000 characters).
So it's in two posts.
//A - Currency Arbitrage, Choose UtoU or BtoB arbitrage through L
//B - Portfolio Balancing, Maintain 50% of two currencies at all times
//C - Custom trailing/advancing sell/sell bot for gna
//D - Buy Down, Buy 1/2 spread each .5 drop and sell 1 each $1 gain
//E - Rolling sell/sell on dips and spikes V1,1.1,1.2,V2,2.1
//F - 24 Hour high/low balancing bot, maintain (high-last)/(high-low) balance in USD and (last-low)/(high-low) in BTC
//G - EMA triggered rolling with Fibonacci shares and high/low balancing combination with micro-trade re-balancing.
//H - Custom Rolling bot based on dynamic thresholds
//I - Micro-Trade rolling bot with variable buy and sell orders and iterations
//J - Revamped micro-rebalance engine added as option - balances based on distance to high low
//Advance and Tail last price with orders ( commision + profit/2 )
//Set order amounts to min < all < max
//Buy as price falls
//Sell as price rises
//USE triple EMA + last to determine trends
//USE distance from high/low to determine funds to sell/buy
//NOTE Buy at last - threshold ( amount is min ( maxtrade, rebalance percentage )
//NOTE num orders is set for buy and sell, use $incriment for order difference
//NOTE 100 orders sell would be price1+.01+.01 etc
//Don't sell unless last > EMA1 > EMA2 > EMA3
//Don't buy unless last < EMA1 < EMA2 < EMA3
//Use micro-orders to play on spikes and dips
$DEBUG = TRUE; //Should the program Print Debug information
$exchange = "G"; //Pick an exchange to run on
if ($exchange == "G") {$GOX = TRUE;$BTCE = FALSE;}
if ($exchange == "E") {$BTCE = TRUE;$GOX = FALSE;}
//ENGINE Selection
$ENGINE = "M";
//H - Hybrid Engine
//E - EMA engine
//S - Static Engine
//B - Filled Engine
//FF - 50/50 Balance Engine
//JOSH - JOSH's Trading Engine
//JUDE - JUDE's Trading Engine
//M - Micro-roll engine
switch ($ENGINE) {
case "H":
case "E":
//EMA times to use
$ema1Time = 5;
$ema2Time = 11;
$ema3Time = 22;
$ema1M = 2 / ( $ema1Time +1 );
$ema2M = 2 / ( $ema2Time +1 );
$ema3M = 2 / ( $ema3Time +1 );
case "S":
case "M":
//array(0.023360861,0.035041292,0.040881508,0.055482046,0.06862253,0.089793311,0.113519186,0.146552904,0.186795638,0.239950723); //0,1,1.5,N1+N2/2,N2+N3/2... Modified Fibonacci shares 10 rounds.
method fib - calculates fibonacci shares
1,2,3,5,8,13 multiplier X = 1/(sum of all numbers)*{series X}
method fib tame - calculates fibonacci shares with a divisor for n3+.
$microBuyAmountMultiplier = engineMultiplier('fibtame',4,$microBuyDivisor);
method pow - exponential increase by iteration
method random - calculates random numbers
method double - doubles the amount each order
method cos - makes an arc using iteration and cos
method acos - makes a reverse arc using iteration and acos
method s arc, start at .5 move up to 1 move down to .5 move up for the remainder
4 points, 1 is half, 2 is full, 3 is half, 4 is last which should be tame,
$microSellDivisor = 10; //number of Sell orders to place
$microBuyDivisor = 10; //Number of Buy orders to place
$microIteration = .5;//USD$ iteration for multiple orders
$microAmount = .01; //Amount of BTC per mini buy/sell round
$microProfit = .005; //The profit threshold, this is the minimum profit per trade to make,
$microStopLoss = 1; //The stop loss percent, Sell out at a loss
$microReBuy = .10; //The price change to rebuy after a loss
$microBuyAmountMultiplier = engineMultiplier('double',2,$microBuyDivisor);
if ($GOX){
$microSellDivisor = 10; //number of Sell orders to place
$microBuyDivisor = 10; //Number of Buy orders to place
$microIteration = .5;//USD$ iteration for multiple orders
$microAmount = .01; //Amount of BTC per mini buy/sell round
$microProfit = .004; //The profit threshold, this is the minimum profit per trade to make,
$microStopLoss = 1; //The stop loss percent, Sell out at a loss
$microReBuy = .1; //The price change to rebuy after a loss
$microBuyAmountMultiplier = engineMultiplier('rand',2,$microBuyDivisor);
$microSellCancel = TRUE; //Cancel orders every sell or keep old sell orders?
$engineProfit = $microProfit;
$engineAmount = $microAmount;
$engineSellDivisor = $microSellDivisor;
$engineBuyDivisor = $microBuyDivisor;
$countMicroBuy = $countMicroSell = 1;
$countMicroBuyTotal = $countMicroSellTotal = 0;
$microBuy = $microSell = FALSE;
$microThreshold = .60; // dynamic threshold defined arbitrarily.
$microTicker = 0; //This stores the last price used to calculate mini-trades
case "B":
$balanceBuy = $balanceSell = FALSE;
$balanceAmount = .025; //Amount of micro-balance trades
$balanceThreshold = .05; // .05 = 5% //Rebalancing leway - set to 1 to disable
case "FF":
case "JOSH":
$joshAmount = 5; //In BTC
$joshThreshold = 5; //In USD
$joshStopLoss = .05; //as a percentage
$joshReBuy = .05; //as a percentage
case "JUDE":
//Stop Loss
$stop = array('target','ticker','over','under','count' => 0);
//Maximum play amounts (that's play not investment) this is after all technically a beta idea
$maxUSD = 500; //The maximum amount of USD to use -> includes B held * last price!
$maxBTC = 1; //The maximum amount of BTC to use
//Main Trade Engine Settings
$amountTrade = .256; //maxpertrade current engine 20130530
$sellDivisor = 3; //The number of sell orders to place
$buyDivisor = 3; //The number of buy orders to place
$tradeIteration = .10; //If not using compound interest, the amount to differ between trades when using sell/buy divisor above 1
$compoundInterest = FALSE; //Use $incriment or profit^(1+x)
$threshold = .60; //The price change threshold UNUSED as this is set later.
$profitTrade = .025; //The profit threshold, this is the minimum profit per trade to make,
$thresholdOrders = 0; //If using order based triggers vs static or EMA
$maxPendingOrders = 0; //Keep this many orders active when canceling
$maxOrders = 100;//$maxOrders = max orders to pull should be set? 100?
//Send email reports when orders are placed
$btceKey = ''; // your API-key
$btceSecret = ''; // your Secret-key
$emailSubject = "BTCbot Trade on {$exchange}";
//Time between runs
$nanosleep = 500000000; //nanoseconds
$sleepCancel = 500000; //nanoseconds to sleep between order cancellations
$minBidBTC = .01; //Minimum Bids the exchange will accept (BTC-E Mins)
$engineAmount = ( min($microAmount/$microSellDivisor,$microAmount/$microBuyDivisor) > $minBidBTC ? $microAmount : $minBidBTC );
//DEBUG need to add multiplier array lowest to this
if ($exchange == "E") $exchangeCommision = .002; //The exchange commision percent (as 1 - commision as decimal)
if ($exchange == "G") $exchangeCommision = .0001; //Gox Commision
//BTC-E Currency pairs & bid ask JSON names
$btcesymbol = array("btc_usd", "ltc_btc", "ltc_usd");
$btcebidorask = array("bids", "asks");
if (@$BTCE) $exchangeBuySell = array("buy","sell");
if (@$GOX) $exchangeBuySell = array("bid","ask");
$executeTrade = $postTrade = FALSE;
$DOT = $STOPLOSS = FALSE; //pretty output \n bool
$countIteration=1; //Iteration Counter
$countOrder = 0; //Order counter
$countError = 0; //Error counter
$countDuplicate = 0; //Duplicate last price counter
$countBuys = $countSells = 0; //The buy rate counter / incriments per buy rate so this isn't the number of buy orders but the number of buy rates tried
$countTrades = 0; //Trade execution counter
$countTickers = 0;
$b = $s = 0;
$countInValid = $countValid = 0;
$countCancelled = $countFilledBuy = $countFilledSell = $countFilled = $countFilledIterationBuy = $countFilledIterationSell = 0;
// Tickers
$ticker = $tickerLast = $tickers = array();
//get the incriment from our file
$nonce = readInc();// + 1;
//order cancel timer
$startTime = time();
$dateStart = date('Ymd H:i:s');
//Calculate $microBuyAmountMultiplier $engineMultiplier
function engineMultiplier($method=NULL,$iteration=NULL,$divisor=NULL)
switch ($method)
case "rand":
for ($i=1;$i<=$divisor;$i++){
$array[$i] = rand(1,$iteration);
$return = engineMultiplierPercentage($array);
case "fib":
$first = 1; $second = 2;
$array[0] = $first;
$array[1] = $second;
for ($i=2;$i<=$divisor+1;$i++){
$final = $first + $second;
$first = $second;
$second = $final;
$array[$i] = $final;
$return = engineMultiplierPercentage($array);
case "fibtame":
$first = 1; $second = $first + $first/$iteration;
$array[0] = $first;
$array[1] = $second;
for ($i=2;$i<=$divisor+1;$i++){
$final = $first + $second/$iteration;
$first = $second;
$second = $final;
$array[$i] = $final;
$return = engineMultiplierPercentage($array);
case "exp":
$array[1] = 1;
$array[2] = 2;
for ($i=3;$i<=$divisor;$i++){
$array[$i] = pow($i,$iteration);
$return = engineMultiplierPercentage($array);
case "double":
$array[0] = 1;
$array[1] = 2;
for ($i=2;$i<=$divisor;$i++){
$array[$i] = $array[$i-1]*2;
$return = engineMultiplierPercentage($array);
case "cos":
//DEBUG fix so array 0 exists.
$array[1] = -1.5;
for ($i=3;$i<=$divisor+1;$i++){
$array[$i-1] = abs(cos($array[1] + ( (3/($divisor-1)) * ($i-2) )));
$array[1] = abs(cos(-1.5));
$return = engineMultiplierPercentage($array);
return $return;
function engineMultiplierPercentage($array)
$percentage = 1/array_sum($array);
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
$return[$key] = $value * $percentage;
return $return;
////////////////////////////////////////////////Begin Infinite Loop.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
while ( 'the answer to life the universe and everything' != '41'){
writeInc($nonce); //Write the nonce variable
$countIteration++; //incriment the iteration counter
$countDuplicate = $countOrder = $countError = 0; // New run reset the duplicate counter
$executeTrade = FALSE; //reset trade BOOL for next run
$return = $orderList = $TradeHistory = $rate = $amount = $type = array(); //remove previous values from trade arrays
//Poll data
$tickerOld['ticker']['last'] = @$ticker['ticker']['last']; //change the ticker to the last ticker
$ticker = array();
$sleep=rand(1, 10); //set a random sleep timer
while ( empty($ticker) ){
if (@$GOX) {
$ticker = json_decode(send( '' ), TRUE );
$ticker['ticker']['last'] = $ticker['data']['last']['value'];
if (@$BTCE) $ticker = json_decode(send( '' ), TRUE );
if( !@$ticker ){
$ticker = $return = $orderList = $TradeHistory = array();
//$sleep=rand(6, 36)*(++$countError);
print "\nError pulling data. Error #: {$countError} \n";
//Duplicate Ticker
if ( $tickerOld['ticker']['last'] == $ticker['ticker']['last'] ){
$ticker = $return = $orderList = $TradeHistory = array();
if ( $countDuplicate == 59 ? print "\n." : print "." );
if ( $countDuplicate == 59 ? $countDuplicate = 0 : NULL );
//Static Timer
time_nanosleep(0, $nanosleep);
//Calculate SMA & EMA
if ( $ticker['ticker']['last'] > 0 && $tickerOld['ticker']['last'] !== $ticker['ticker']['last'] && $EMA ){ //the later test of dup ticker should never be tested.
$tickers[$countTickers] = $ticker['ticker']['last'];
$ema1 = $ema2 = $ema3 = NULL; //= $countTickers
$ema1 = array_sum( array_slice($tickers, -1, 1, true)) * $ema1M + (array_sum (array_slice($tickers, ($ema1Time*-1)-1, $ema1Time, true))/$ema1Time) *(1-$ema1M);
$ema2 = array_sum( array_slice($tickers, -1, 1, true)) * $ema2M + (array_sum (array_slice($tickers, ($ema2Time*-1)-1, $ema2Time, true))/$ema2Time) *(1-$ema2M);
$ema3 = array_sum( array_slice($tickers, -1, 1, true)) * $ema3M + (array_sum (array_slice($tickers, ($ema3Time*-1)-1, $ema3Time, true))/$ema3Time) *(1-$ema3M);
if ( $countTickers < $ema1Time + 1 ){//&& $EMA) {
if (@$DEBUG && $DOT) {print "\n"; $DOT = FALSE; }
print "Building EMA1 - Waiting for ";
print ($ema1Time + 1) - $countTickers;
print " more tickers\n ";
} elseif ( $countTickers < $ema2Time + 1 ){//&& $EMA) {
if (@$DEBUG && $DOT) {print "\n"; $DOT = FALSE; }
print "Building EMA2 - Waiting for ";
print ($ema2Time + 1) - $countTickers;
print " more tickers\n ";
} elseif ( $countTickers < $ema3Time + 1 ){//&& $EMA) {
if (@$DEBUG && $DOT) {print "\n"; $DOT = FALSE; }
print "Building EMA3 - Waiting for ";
print ($ema3Time + 1) - $countTickers;
print " more tickers\n ";
if ( $countTickers < $ema3Time + 1 ) { //If we haven't built ema3 and we are using ema
$tickerOld['ticker']['last'] = $ticker['ticker']['last'];
$ticker = $return = $orderList = $TradeHistory = array();
continue; //restart the loop until we build emas
//IF we wont execute a trade, print the ticker and then continue
//if (
//($ticker['ticker']['last'] >= $microTicker - $microThreshold && $ticker['ticker']['last'] <= $microTicker + $microThreshold) //We won't execute a microtrade
//&& ($EMA !(($ema1 > $ema2 && $ema2 > $ema3 ) && $SELL) // We won't buy
// && !(($ema1 < $ema2 && $ema2 < $ema3 ) && $SELL )//We won't sell
// ) //END EMA
// || ( $BALANCE
// && $currentBalanceUSD-$reBalanceUSD > 0
// && $currentBalanceBTC-$reBalanceBTC > 0)
// && $tickerOld['ticker']['last'] !== $ticker['ticker']['last'] //The ticker isn't a dup, (Should never be tested here)
// && $ticker['ticker']['last'] > 0 //The ticker is valid (should ever be tested here)
// && $countIteration > 2 ){ //This is a valid iteration
// $tmp4 = round($ticker['ticker']['last'],2); //round the ticker
// if ( $countDuplicate >= 59-6 ) {
// for ($countDuplicate=$countDuplicate; $countDuplicate < 59 ; $countDuplicate++) {
// print ".";
// }
// print "\n";
// $countDuplicate = 0;
// }
// print "{$tmp4}";
// $countDuplicate = $countDuplicate + 6;
// $tickerOld['ticker']['last'] = $ticker['ticker']['last'];
// $ticker = $return = $orderList = $TradeHistory = array();
// $tmp1 = $tmp2 = $tmp3 = $tmp4 = NULL;
}//IMPLIED ELSE continue processing
}//END while ( empty($ticker) )
//Poll All data for trading
//reset the data points and pull all at once (GOX should be an exception because of rate limiting.)
$ticker = $return = $orderList = $TradeHistory = array(); //blank the tickers
while( empty($ticker) || empty($return) || empty($orderList) || empty($TradeHistory) ){
if ($BTCE){
$ticker = json_decode(send( '' ), TRUE ); // BTCE Ticker
$orderList = json_decode(btce_query("OrderList", array("active" => 1, "pair" => "btc_usd")), TRUE);
$TradeHistory = json_decode(btce_query("TradeHistory", array("count" => $maxOrders, "pair" => "btc_usd")), TRUE);
$return = json_decode(btce_query('getInfo'), TRUE); //BTCE account info
if ($GOX){
$ticker = json_decode(send( '' ), TRUE ); //GOX Ticker
$ticker['ticker']['last'] = $ticker['data']['last']['value'];
$ticker['ticker']['buy'] = $ticker['data']['buy']['value'];
$ticker['ticker']['sell'] = $ticker['data']['sell']['value'];
$ticker['ticker']['high'] = $ticker['data']['high']['value'];
$ticker['ticker']['low'] = $ticker['data']['low']['value'];
$return = json_decode(mtgox_query('BTCUSD/money/info'), TRUE); //GOX account Info
( $return['result'] == "success" ? $return['success'] = 1 : $return['success'] = 0); //Translate GOX to BTCE
$return['return']['funds']['btc'] = $return['data']['Wallets']['BTC']['Balance']['value'];//Translate GOX to BTCE
$return['return']['funds']['usd'] = $return['data']['Wallets']['USD']['Balance']['value'];//Translate GOX to BTCE
$orderList = json_decode(mtgox_query('BTCUSD/money/orders'), TRUE);
$TradeHistory = json_decode(mtgox_query('BTCUSD/money/trades/fetch'), TRUE); //GOX account Info
$TradeHistory['return'] = $TradeHistory['data'];
foreach ( $TradeHistory['return'] as $key => $value){
$TradeHistory['return'][$key]['type'] = $TradeHistory['return'][$key]['trade_type'];
$TradeHistory['return'][$key]['rate'] = $TradeHistory['return'][$key]['price'];
$TradeHistory['return'][$key]['order_id'] = $key; //PHP Notice:
//Verify the ticker changed
if( !@$ticker || !@$return || !@$orderList || !@$TradeHistory || @$return['success'] !== 1 ){
$ticker = $return = $orderList = $TradeHistory = array();
//$sleep=rand(6, 36)*(++$countError);
print "\nError pulling data. Error #: {$countError} \n";
//Translate Gox data to btc-e Format
if (@$GOX){
$orderList['success'] = ( $orderList['result'] == "success" ? $orderList['success'] = 1 : $orderList['success'] = 0);
$orderList['return'] = array();
$orderList['return'] = $orderList['data'];
$orderList['data'] = NULL;
//Setup Thresholds for kicking off trades
if ( $ticker['ticker']['last'] > 1 ){ //if the ticker is valid
if (@$GOX) {
if ( $return['data']['Trade_Fee'] > 0 ) $exchangeCommision = $return['data']['Trade_Fee']/100; //Gox Commision
$threshold = ceil( $ticker['ticker']['last']*( (1/(1-$exchangeCommision)/(1-$profitTrade/2)) -1) * 100) /100 ;
$microThreshold = ceil( $ticker['ticker']['last']*( (1/(1-$exchangeCommision)/(1-$microProfit/2)) -1) * 100) /100 ;
if (!@$microTicker || @$microTicker < 1 ) {
$microTicker = $ticker['ticker']['last'];
$microThresholdBuy = $microTicker + $microThreshold; //Buy Above Last to create trailing buys - Micro-Dip
$microThresholdSell = $microTicker - $microThreshold; //Sell below last to create advancing sells - Micro-Spike
if (!@$thresholdBuy || @$thresholdBuy < 1 ) $thresholdBuy = $ticker['ticker']['last'] + $threshold; //We set buy orders when the price increases (trailing buy)
if (!@$thresholdSell || @$thresholdSell < 1 ) $thresholdSell = $ticker['ticker']['last'] - $threshold; //We set sell orders when the price decreases (advancing sell)
} else { exit; }
//Calculate Cost, Balances, and print summary of information.
//DEBUG need to calculate cost in $sellDivisor iterations for amounts that will be traded.
//DEBUG REFERENCE FILLED ORDERS! Prevent calculating cost based on filled sell orders!
$BTCO = $USDO = 0;
$sellOrders = $buyOrders = array(); //blank the order books for each new run (Infinite Loop issue)
$b = $s = 0; //FIXED order clearing if no open orders
if ( $orderList['success'] > 0 ){
foreach ( $orderList['return'] as $key => $value){
if (@$GOX){
$tmp1 = $value['amount']['value'];
$value['amount'] = NULL;
$value['amount'] = $tmp1;
$value['rate'] = $value['price']['value'];
$tmp1 = NULL; $tmp1 = $value['amount'] * $value['rate'];
$tmp1 = NULL;
if ( $value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[1] ){
$BTCO = $BTCO + $value['amount']; //BTC = sum of sell orders and amounts //PHP Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /arbot/buydownbotBTCG.php on line 281
$sellOrders[$s] = $value['rate'];
//if ( $value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[1] && $value['amount'] == $engineAmount ){
// $reserveBTC = ( $reserveBTC - $value['amount'] >= 0 ? $reserveBTC - $value['amount'] : 0); //
if ( $value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[0] ) {
$USDO = $USDO + $value['amount'] * $value['rate']; //USD = sum of buy orders amount*rate
$buyOrders[$b] = $value['rate'];
//if ( $value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[0] && $value['amount'] == $engineAmount) {
// //FIXED reserve usd wasnt decreasing
// $reserveUSD = ( $reserveUSD - $value['amount'] * $value['rate'] >= 0 ? $reserveUSD - $value['amount'] * $value['rate'] : 0 ); //USD = sum of buy orders amount*rate
/*if ( $countIteration < 3 && $ORDERS ){
rsort($buyOrders); //ReverseSort orders and discard keys
sort($sellOrders); //Sort orders and discard keys
if ( !@$thresholdBuy ) $thresholdBuy = ( count($sellOrders) <= $thresholdOrders ? @$sellOrders[$countOrder] : @$sellOrders[$thresholdOrders] ); //Fill Xth order before trading
if ( !@$thresholdSell ) $thresholdSell = ( count($buyOrders) <= $thresholdOrders ? @$buyOrders[$countOrder] : @$buyOrders[$thresholdOrders] ); //Fill Xth order before trading
//SOLVED this is set in the threshold section now.
} else {
if ( $orderList['error'] !== "no orders" ) {
// Calculate FUNDS
$USDB = $BTCB = $USDT = $BTCT = $BTC = $USD = 0;
//Calculate the TOTAL we have in orders and balance and USD/last BTCTotal
if ($GOX) $BTCT = $return['return']['funds']['btc'] + $return['return']['funds']['usd']/$ticker['ticker']['last'];
if ($BTCE) $BTCT = $return['return']['funds']['btc'] + $BTCO + $return['return']['funds']['usd']/$ticker['ticker']['last'] + $USDO/$ticker['ticker']['last'];
//Calculate the TOTAL USD we have in buy orders, sell orders, BTC balance, USD Balance
if ($GOX) $USDT = ($return['return']['funds']['btc'])*$ticker['ticker']['last'] + $return['return']['funds']['usd'];
if ($BTCE) $USDT = ($return['return']['funds']['btc'] + $BTCO)*$ticker['ticker']['last'] + $USDO + $return['return']['funds']['usd'];
//Calculate the BALANCE we have in orders and funds BTCBalance USDBalance
if ($GOX) $BTCB = $return['return']['funds']['btc'];
if ($BTCE) $BTCB = $return['return']['funds']['btc'] + $BTCO;
if ($GOX) $USDB = $return['return']['funds']['usd'];
if ($BTCE) $USDB = $return['return']['funds']['usd'] + $USDO;
//Calculate the TRADE amount we have in funds and orders BTCTrade USDTrade
$BTC = ( $BTCB >= $maxBTC ? $maxBTC - $BTCO : $BTCB - $BTCO );
$USD = ( $USDB >= $maxUSD ? $maxUSD - $USDO : $USDB - $USDO );
// Calculate BTC Cost of BTCBalance
$dollarCostTotal = $dollarCostShares = $idealSellRate = $idealSellAmount = $dollarCostAverage = $countBuys = 0;
$countFilledIterationBuy = $countFilledIterationSell = $countFilledIteration = 0;
$costBalance = array( "total" => 0, "shares" => 0, "average" => 0, "ideal" => 0);
$costFilled = array( "total" => 0, "shares" => 0, "average" => 0, "ideal" => 0);
$profitFilled = array( "total" => 0, "shares" => 0, "average" => 0, "ideal" => 0);
$BTCremaining = $BTCB;
if ($BALANCE) $BTCremaining = $BTC*($currentBalanceBTC-$reBalanceBTC);
foreach ( $TradeHistory['return'] as $key => $value){
//DEBUG use this information to calculate trades/costs/profits
if ( $value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[0] && $BTCremaining >= $minBidBTC ) {
$costBalance['total'] = $costBalance['total'] + $value['rate']*$value['amount'];
$costBalance['shares'] = $costBalance['shares'] + $value['amount'];//$amountTrade[0]; Total shares analysed not / spread
$BTCremaining = $BTCremaining - $value['amount'];
//DEBUG gox compatibility
if ( @$ordersPlaced && array_key_exists ( $value['order_id'] , $ordersPlaced )){ //PHP Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /arbot/buydownbotBTCG.php on line 532
$filledOrders[$value['order_id']] = array(); //Define the array
$filledOrders[$value['order_id']] = $ordersPlaced[$value['order_id']]; //Store the order info in the array
$ordersFilledIteration[$countIteration-1] = array(); //Define the last iteration array
$ordersFilledIteration[$countIteration-1][$value['order_id']] = array(); //Define the last iteration array
$ordersFilledIteration[$countIteration-1][$value['order_id']] = $ordersPlaced[$value['order_id']]; //Store the order info in the array
if ($value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[0]){
$costFilled['total'] = $costFilled['total'] + $value['rate']*$value['amount'];
$costFilled['shares'] = $costFilled['shares'] + $value['amount'];//$amountTrade[0]; Total shares analysed not / spread
if ($value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[1]){
$profitFilled['total'] = $profitFilled['total'] + $value['rate']*$value['amount'];
$profitFilled['shares'] = $profitFilled['shares'] + $value['amount'];//$amountTrade[0]; Total shares analysed not / spread
if (@$costBalance['shares'] > 0){
$costBalance['average'] = $costBalance['total']/$costBalance['shares']; //Total cost / Number of shares is purchase price
$costBalance['ideal'] = ( ($costBalance['total'])/(1-$exchangeCommision)/(1-$exchangeCommision)/(1-$engineProfit) )/$costBalance['shares'];//Average cost + UtoB commision + BtoU Commision is 0% profit sell rate
$stop['target'] = $costBalance['ideal']*.998*.998*(1-$microStopLoss);
} else $stop['target'] = 0;
if (@$costFilled['shares'] > 0){
$costFilled['average'] = $costFilled['total']/$costFilled['shares']; //Total cost / Number of shares is purchase price
$costFilled['ideal'] = ($costFilled['average'])/(1-$exchangeCommision)/(1-$exchangeCommision)/(1-$engineProfit);//Average cost + UtoB commision + BtoU Commision is 0% profit sell rate
// Primary output header block
$message = "\n";
if (@$DEBUG && $DOT) {print "\n"; $DOT = FALSE; }
print "\n\n\n\n\n";
print "**********************************************************\n"; //Print Separator
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator
print "**********************************************************\n"; //Print Separator
print " Started:{$dateStart}\n";
//$dateCurrent = date('Ymd H:i:s');
print " Current:".date('Ymd H:i:s')."\n"; //Print Separator
$elapsed = time() - $startTime;
$tmp1 = $elapsed/ 86400 % 1;
$tmp2 = $elapsed/ 3600 % 24;
$tmp3 = $elapsed/ 60 % 60;
$tmp4 = $elapsed % 60;
print " Runtime: {$tmp1}:Days {$tmp2}:H {$tmp3}:M {$tmp4}:S\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator
//$tmp1 = round($stop['target'],2);
$tmp1 = ( $STOPLOSS ? "ACTIVE" : ( $stop['target'] == 0 ? "NO INVESTMENT" : round($stop['target'],2)) );
print "Iteration: {$countIteration} Ticker:\${$ticker['ticker']['last']} *****StopLoss:{$tmp1}*****\n"; //Print Separator
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator
print "---------------- Trade Target Information ----------------\n";
print "Threshold: Fees:{$exchangeCommision}% Trades:{$threshold} Micro:{$microThreshold}\n";
if (@$ORDERS || @$STATIC) print "Targets: Over:\${$thresholdBuy} Last:\${$ticker['ticker']['last']} Under:\${$thresholdSell}\n";
if ($MICRO && !$STOPLOSS ) print "Micro-Targets: Over:\${$microThresholdBuy} Tick:\${$microTicker} Under:\${$microThresholdSell}\n";
if ($STOPLOSS) print "Rebuy Targets: Over:{$stop['over']} Tick:{$stop['ticker']} Under:{$stop['under']}\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator
print "------------------- Funds Information -------------------\n";
$tmp1 = round($BTCT,2);$tmp2 = round($USDT,2);
print " Cash Out: BTC:{$tmp1} USD:\${$tmp2}\n";
$tmp1 = round($BTCB,2);$tmp2 = round($USDB,2);
print " Balance: BTC:{$tmp1} USD:\${$tmp2}\n";
print " Maximums: BTC:{$maxBTC} USD:\${$maxUSD}\n";
$engineAmount = max($BTCB,$USDB/$ticker['ticker']['last']);
$engineAmount = min ($engineAmount,$microAmount);
$engineAmount = round($engineAmount,8);
$tmp1 = round($engineAmount,2);
//DEBUG not compatible with other engines, needed to create a tradeAmount or a buyamount and sellamount.
print " EngineAmount:{$tmp1} Sells:{$engineSellDivisor} Buys:{$engineBuyDivisor} Profit:{$engineProfit}\n ";
$tmp1 = round($BTC,2);$tmp2 = round($USD,2);
print " Tradable: BTC:{$tmp1} USD:\${$tmp2}\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator
print "------------------- Order Information -------------------\n";
print " Open: Buys:{$b} Sells:{$s}\n";
print " Placed:Valid:{$countValid} Invalid:{$countInValid} Cancelled:{$countCancelled}\n";
print "Completed: Buys:{$countFilledBuy} Total:{$countFilled} Sells:{$countFilledSell} \n";
print " Last Run: Buys:{$countFilledIterationBuy} Total:{$countFilledIteration} Sells:{$countFilledIterationSell}\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator
print "------------------- Cost Information -------------------\n";
if (@$costBalance['shares'] > 0){
$tmp1 = round($costBalance['total'],2);
$tmp2 = round($costBalance['shares'],2);
$tmp3 = round($costBalance['average'],2);
$tmp4 = round($costBalance['ideal'],2);
print "Balance Costs: Total:{$tmp1} Shares:{$tmp2} Average:{$tmp3} Ideal:{$tmp4}\n";
$tmp1 = $tmp2 = $tmp3 = $tmp4 = NULL;
} else $costBalance['ideal'] = $ticker['ticker']['last'] * 2;
if (@$costFilled['shares'] > 0){
$tmp1 = round($costFilled['total'],2);
$tmp2 = round($costFilled['shares'],2);
$tmp3 = round($costFilled['average'],2);
$tmp4 = round($costFilled['ideal'],2);
print "Order Costs: Total:{$tmp1} Shares:{$tmp2} Average:{$tmp3} Ideal:{$tmp4}\n";
$tmp1 = $tmp2 = $tmp3 = $tmp4 = NULL;
if ( (@$costFilled['shares'] == 0) && (@$costBalance['shares'] == 0)){
print "Order Costs: Not holding any BTC! \n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator
print "------------------- Profit Information -------------------\n";
if ( $countIteration < 3 ){
$profit = array('initial' => array('balanceBTC' => $BTCB,'balanceUSD' => $USDB,'ticker' => $ticker['ticker']['last'], 'totalBTC' => $BTCT, 'totalUSD' => $USDT ) );
$profit['buy'] = array('amountBTC' => 0, 'amountUSD' => 0);
$profit['sell'] = array('amountBTC' => 0, 'amountUSD' => 0);
if (@$filledOrders){
foreach ( $filledOrders as $key => $value ){
if ( $value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[0] ){
$profit['buy']['amountBTC'] = $profit['buy']['amountBTC'] + $value['amount'];
$profit['buy']['amountUSD'] = $profit['buy']['amountUSD'] + $value['rate'] * $value['amount'];
if ( $value['type'] == $exchangeBuySell[1] ){
$profit['sell']['amountBTC'] = $profit['sell']['amountBTC'] + $value['amount'];
$profit['sell']['amountUSD'] = $profit['sell']['amountUSD'] + $value['rate'] * $value['amount'];
//FIXED PHP Warning: Division by zero in /arbot/buydownbotBTC.php on line 659
if ( $profit['buy']['amountBTC'] > 0 ) $profit['buy']['cost'] = round($profit['buy']['amountUSD']/$profit['buy']['amountBTC'],2);
if ( $profit['sell']['amountBTC'] > 0 ) $profit['sell']['cost'] = round($profit['sell']['amountUSD']/$profit['sell']['amountBTC'],2);
//Initial Balance
$tmp1 = round($profit['initial']['balanceBTC'],2);
$tmp2 = round($profit['initial']['balanceUSD'],2);
print "Initial Balance: BTC:{$tmp1} USD:{$tmp2} Rate:{$profit['initial']['ticker']} \n";
//Current Balance
$tmp1 = round($BTCB,2);
$tmp2 = round($USDB,2);
print "Current Balance: BTC:{$tmp1} USD:{$tmp2} Rate:{$ticker['ticker']['last']}\n";
$tmp1 = round($USDB - $profit['initial']['balanceUSD'],2);
$tmp2 = round($BTCB - $profit['initial']['balanceBTC'],2);
$tmp3 = round(($ticker['ticker']['last'] - $profit['initial']['ticker']),2);
print " Difference: BTC:{$tmp2} USD:{$tmp1} Rate:{$tmp3}\n";
if (@$profit['buy']['amountBTC'] > 0){
//BTC purchased {amountBTC} {costBTC} {totalcost}
$tmp1 = round($profit['buy']['amountBTC'],2);
$tmp2 = round($profit['buy']['cost'],2);
$tmp3 = round($profit['buy']['amountUSD'],2);
print " Trade Buys: BTC:{$tmp1} Rate:{$tmp2} Total:{$tmp3}\n";
if (@$profit['sell']['amountBTC'] > 0){
//BTC sold {amountBTC} {costBTC} {totalprofit}
$tmp1 = round($profit['sell']['amountBTC'],2);
$tmp2 = round($profit['sell']['cost'],2);
$tmp3 = round($profit['sell']['amountUSD'],2);
print " Trade Sells: BTC:{$tmp1} Rate:{$tmp2} Total:{$tmp3}\n";
//sell - buy + BTCholdings*last*commision - initialBTCbalance*initialLast*commision
$tmp1 = round($profit['sell']['amountUSD'] - $profit['buy']['amountUSD'] + ($BTCB*$ticker['ticker']['last']*.998) - ($profit['initial']['balanceBTC']*$profit['initial']['ticker']*.998),2);
$tmp2 = round($USDT - $profit['initial']['totalUSD'] - $tmp1,2);
print " Profit From Trading:{$tmp1} \n";
print " Unrealized Gains:{$tmp2} \n";
//BTC Appreciation = start btc * start rate - startbtc * current rate
$tmp1 = round($profit['initial']['totalBTC'] * $profit['initial']['ticker'],2);
$tmp2 = round($profit['initial']['totalBTC'] * $ticker['ticker']['last'],2);
$tmp4 = round($tmp1 - $tmp2,2);
print " BTC Appreciation: Start:{$tmp1} Current:{$tmp2} Difference:{$tmp4}\n";
//Run Value = profit - appreciation
//$tmp1 = round($profit['initial']['balanceBTC']*$profit['initial']['ticker']*.998 + $profit['initial']['balanceUSD'],2);
$tmp3 = round($USDT - $profit['initial']['totalUSD'],2);
print " Program Value:{$tmp3}\n";
$message = $message . " Program Value:{$tmp3}\n";
$tmp1 = $tmp2 = $tmp3 = $tmp4 = 0;
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; //Print Separator