I suppose we just have to wait 1st November to be able to drop all the btg.
This fork thing isn't over, my prediction is that we need to pass a "fork phase" (every coin forking and forks from the forking coins and so on) before eventually get rid of this.
NOV-1? It's now what 26? Depending UTC, "fork' block came&went 3 days ago, not more than 2 lines of C++ code has been added to the github since 'fork', the CODE is inoperable, and no element of that code exists in a functionable usable state, not server, not seeds, not wallet NADA, for some software to appear NOV-1 is INSANE, your going to get nothing more then than you have today, which is NOTHING. Hell "Replay" was never even considered! Why pray tell? Cuz from day one this project was managed by non-programmers.
You take a 'man month mythology', you take 'shit', and its now 26OCT, and you tell me 1NOV, some 4 days away SHIT will become GOLD, when some 1K++ man hours of "GOOD PEOPLE" need to make this happen.
Sure you can ARGUE that a "lottery" can be ran on GITHUB and the next 3 days 100% of tested functional code for main-net and test-net will just appear? As of right now there isn't even a working blockchain.
Sure just OFFER "25 BTG" and have some NERD pull a 'REPLAY' out of his ass, and maybe a DNS SEED server as well.
I ain't going to happen folks they'll just tell people to "WAIT", and hope this thing quietly dies, I think this is why the TEAM-BTCGPU has added no new c++ in the last 3 days to the project, they know that working-code was NEVER in the plan
All bitcoin forks are fucks, get over it, trying to find good in any of this is a circle jerk, a few idiots got some free BCH so they support the fork, and the same idiots support SEG2, but the fact is nobody should be piggy-backing on BTC, as its the only real deal.
Late comers where it be government, or chinese mafia ( triads ), all want piece of bitcoin, including NYA ( new york kosher-nostra mafia ), all these players want to balkanize BTC.
Nobody can support this who truly loves Satoshi's Original Dream.
If you don't support the original Satoshi, then start from scratch with your own block-chain.
ALL Bitcoin Forks to Date have been "Bitcoin Fucks" ran by criminals in either NYC, or HK/Shanghai, nothing good has come from these forks.
The fact that BTG got BTC to be locked 24 hours and even ever taken seriously just shows the the BTC community is allowing itself to be ran and controlled by MORONS.