GoldCore writes on gold and BTC:
Zero Hedge follows BTC fairly closely, today's edition:
Yes, international guy Simon Black likes BTC...:
CNBC (Clinton News Bullshit Commentators), say it isn't so!!!
Cranky guy Paul Craig Roberts likes BTC too:
NONE of the above is particularly hard reading, but shows BTCis getting more attention.
[Edited for bad link]
Welll it's about time that this was supposed to happen, Bitcoin popularity is at a life time high. Every one wants that coin called Bitcoin. The people who had stayed away from it or called it scam are the ones wanting a piece of it. It's obvious logic that these media houses are catching on to it, they will gain some good traffic to their sites, channels which would not have easily come. Good to see that bitcoin is on the move, sooner or later who knows even the white house may accept it.