You're making a ridiculous role trying to tarnish my image with these meaningless assertions.
Does the entire portuguese society support and encourage scammers?
You are running a ponzi as clear as the nose on my face.
If your two pending loan requests were to fail, you would default on your current loan. That's how ponzis work.
mlawrence, after carefully considerations over your statements, it really make sense for someone who does not have a trust relationship with me that, what I am ofering can be seen and interpreted as a ponzi scheme. I will reevaluate those loans and decided if I will keep them or not. Thanks for taking care of the interests of the community . And I'm sorry if I made any insults towards you. I dont dominate the language (englsih) and this can eventually lead to some missinterpretation.
Thank you and I will keep u in touch with the process.
Please see PM with details.