the minimum amount necessary for the creation of the smartnode, right now to create a node you need 850k BTCQ and currently we have just reached block height 50000, at block height 88720 the cost for the creation of smartnode will become 950K of BTCQ.
consensus.nCollaterals = SmartnodeCollaterals(
{ {88720, 850000 * COIN},
{132720, 950000 * COIN},
{176720, 1150000 * COIN},
{220720, 1400000 * COIN},
{264720, 1950000 * COIN},
{INT_MAX, 1950000 * COIN}
NonKyc: USDT/BTCQ Market
NonKyc: DOGE/BTCQ Market
FinanceX: FinanceX Trading
FinanceX: FinanceX LTC Trading
I'm just a simple community member trying to help remind miners about this coin and the great opportunity to buy or mine a node, and the potential rewards to be made from nodes in the future.