1. Decrypt the electrum wallet
2. Extract either the seed or private keys
3. Import those into the wallet format of another wallet
Given you don't have the password to the wallet file, you're going to fail at the first step of "decrypt the electrum wallet"... if you had the password, you wouldn't need to convert the wallet file.
I opened the wallet in notepad and changed the seed version to 11, presto! Got btc to work!
or just try editing the btcrecover code and changing the btcrpass.py file... https://github.com/gurnec/btcrecover/blob/master/btcrecover/btcrpass.py#L1630
So, on the copy of btcrpass.py that is on your computer, find the code that looks like this:
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported Electrum2 seed version " + unicode(seed_version))
And just add "18" to the list of seed_versions and see what it does... like this:
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported Electrum2 seed version " + unicode(seed_version))
I haven't tested this, so no idea if it will work or if it will blow up your computer!
NOTE: you should be working on a copy of your wallet file... not the original!!