Hey guys.
I recently did something stupid with my fat chubby fingers. I have a small BTC wallet with not that much in it but still, I wanted to encrypt it as I feel safer that way.
And so I did. With my usual password.
But it seems that I made a mistake (twice !) by typing it and now I'm looking to a way to configure the btcrecover token file for making it work when:
1: you know the password
2: but you made a typo, misswrote a part of it, inverted two letter / numbers. This kind of mistake.
If not possible, do you know a GPU accelerated tool that could work that way? I found Bitcoin password recovery tool by Thegrideon Software but I don't know if that's good or not.
This also is an interesting event to be used to learn a bit more. The amount isn't that big, but the challenge is interesting.
1. what type of wallet is it, bitcoin core, electrum etc.
2. Download John the ripper lib from Github and use python and correct wallet converter like blockchain2john.py or tools to generate hash
Download link:
https://github.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper3. My first choice would be hashcat, as it supports many formats an has great support, download from hashcat.net
or Github:
https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat4. Create a password list, add rules and run overnight, it should find it.
If you need help with John the ripper or Hashcat they have their own boards with support
good luck