Step 1. Create new seed on coinomi, generate BTG wallet. Write down the seed.
Step 2. Save BTG wallet address
Step 3. Remove the wallet from coinomi and load the compromised seed. Send BTG from compromised address to the new address you created before.
Step 4. Remove compromised seed from wallet, reload new seed where you sent the BTG to.
Glad you got your litecoins out, was it a sizable amount?
Try the double spend trick, you have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain.
I would buy yourself a ledger Nano S wallet. They are much more secure than ever using any other form of wallet, or set up an electrum 2FA wallet, but keep the seed safe which has 2 of the 3 keys and keep the auth code written down, and keep a copy of the authenticator key to save you having to remove 2FA via using the seed.
Let me know if you need any help double spending them. I am syncing up my Core Node so if you have issues broadcasting the generated transaction via your private keys, send it to me after signing it, and i will push out the signed transaction using my node, I am letting it sync up with the blockchain as fast as I can. But if you can do it via your own node do it as fast as possible, as mine will take several hours or perhaps overnight so sync, so it may be too late if you cannot find someone with a node to push it out for you. If nothing doing and its still unconfirmed, I will try and push out the signed TX if you cannot.
I did a thread asking if someone could come to your aid with a synced node, but if nothing doing I started syncing as a backup plan once it is ready I will post again. No one can get private keys from the signed hexadecimal transaction, as you have already signed the unsigned with your private keys this generating that signed transaction which can be pushed out by any node.
These inputs:
You want to sign a raw transaction from these input private keys to an address you control, which you then wish to broadcast, the signed transactions can then be pushed out by a node. Either you could do it yourself, and open the Bitcoin core console, and enter with the signed transaction after the command: sendrawtransaction
I don't know if you could double spend them by 'sweeping' the private keys instead which might be more simple? Not sure if that would work though, but you could always give that a try in the meantime.
If you are really having trouble generating the signed TX for me to push out, i would happily place 40USD of BTC or LTC of my own coins in escrow with a trusted member here (you could arrange this, ognasty or psychoticboy I trust both, ill pay the fee) and have a go at double-spending it using your actual private keys to sign transactions then send them to an address you control, if you are having problems figuring out how to do it. I know its only 40 USD but that may be a lot of money to you and its the principle of it, its people like this that really give BTC a bad rap, 40 USD is a days wages for some. Move your BTG first in the way I described above, to at least protect those funds. If you have any Bitcoin cash on the same seed, do that as well.
Let me know how it goes, and i will post back when my node is fully synced. Let me know if you manage to do it yourself, as well. If you need help signing the TX i have offered my help as above to try.
looks like we are too late, sorry buddy! :/ at least you got out your LTC and probably your BTG!