When the automobile came along, the buggy whip makers were going to be put out of work.
So a clever scam was created to make work for the buggy whip makers.
That is basically the story of litecoin, except that actually tenebrix was the original makework for the buggy whip makers, then someone said it was not fair to have a pre-mine to use as virgin coins for a coin mixer to allow transactions to be anonymous, so faircoin was created that had no plan to have a mixer thus did not need a huge pile of virgin coins to enable the mixing.
Then finally instead of updating either one to newer bitcoin code, someone decided to screw both of those by making yet another different one, called litecoin, from the latest bitcoin code.
Then a while later more and more scammers made more and more scams based on the one called litecoin.
And still it goes on.
Yet buggy whip making is still not really all that awesome a thing, and certainly is not a great necessity of the modern world.
Letting them be out of work is actually probably a much better idea than spamming more and more and more scams to try to scam money out of people to give as welfare to the poor old buggy-whip makers.
Maybe ask your politicians to implement unemployment insurance and/or welfare or something instead of making yet another scam. Leave the scams to the politicians.