We announced the inception of this project in
March 22, 2014 and building this project for more than a year now. In the process of development we came back to the community time & again and changed the functionalities of the site as per community demand. We also went through a
public testing to makes sure that the security holes are plugged. At this moment, our platform is mostly ready and few trades are taking place against various currencies. Following are the key features of 100bit.co.in...
1. Does not require bitcoin to stay deposited in the site. User deposits at the time of trading.
2. Bitcoin can be traded against both FIAT & Alt coins.
3. Trading cost 0.1% of the trade amount.
Now, standing before the next big leap, we need marketing, further development and introduction of new features, which requires capital. Being a 100% bitcoin project, we prefer to avoid FIAT investment. Rather, we thought about to accept people's investment in bitcoin, use blockchain to provide a transparent accounting and giving out dividend instantaneously on each trade. A similar model that was introduced by Just-Dice.
This whole investment idea is still at conceptualization level and we'd first like to hear community opinion about it. So, please feel free to tell us your opinion about it...
Note: The above write up is last updated on June 10, 2015.