Why would you want to build a CEntOS based miner?
CEntOS is the "Community ENTerprise Operating System". What happened about 15 years ago is that many many people using Linux were using RedHat based distributions like Fedora (free desktop version) and the "commercial" version called RedHat Linux. Then, all of a sudden, RedHat decided they wanted to charge $1000 plus per machine for the commercial version and it made people mad. So they went off and created a mirror of the RedHat Linux system and they call it CEntOS.
The beauty of this OS over other choices is that it is designed to operate in a production environment. You can even buy commercial software to run on these servers from suppliers like Oracle and Adobe. Because of the planned cycles the software is stable, unlike most other flavors of linux who are trying to constantly do the "latest" thing people who run enterprise software on their systems are much more interested in reliability. These distributions (Centos, Fedora, Redhat, Scientific Linux) are the best choice for multiple-gpu cards and multiple-gpu systems, especially when there are only windows drivers available for the video card you own.
Here's the instruction sheet. Let me know what can be improved.
Current stable working version combination is SDK 12.7 and Catalyst Driver 12.3.
#### Installing mining Software on CEntOS or Fedora based distributions
#### Currently working with SDK 12.7 and Driver 12.3
#### by: Viceroy who accepts tips at 144RtpxYKbigosiqTyXNwzwtH6Z7s96xUx
#### cut and paste one command at a time
#### become root user
su -
### Install important base packages
yum -y install gcc rpm-build git wget make kernel-devel python python-libs numpy openssl openssl-devel ncurses ncurses-devel ncurses-libs autoconf automake m4 pkgconfig libcurl-devel libtool libudev libusb glx-utils libX11 libstdc++ compat-libstdc++*
#### create new user or place all items in personal home directory
useradd miner
#### become prefered user (no password needed)
su -l miner
#### create a directory to hold all the packages
cd ~
mkdir miningpacks
cd miningpacks
#### download all driver package as user "miner"
wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run
exit #go back to being root user
#### Installing ATI Development Kit (SDK) & Drivers:
#### First Seek and Destroy ALL Existing ATI Drivers:
cd /usr/share/ati
./amd-uninstall.sh --force
rm -Rf /etc/ati
rm -Rf /usr/lib/fglrx
rm -Rf /usr/share/ati
rm -Rf /opt/AMD*
#### Install ATI Software Development Kit (SDK):
#### Install this BEFORE you install the drivers
#### become root user
su -
#### become prefered user (no password needed)
su -l miner
#### move to directory to where you are holding the packages
cd ~
cd miningpacks
#### download SDK
##wget http://download2-developer.amd.com/amd/APPSDK/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64.tgz
##wget http://developer.amd.com/wordpress/media/2012/11/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.8-lnx64.tgz
##wget http://download2-developer.amd.com/amd/APPSDK/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx32.tgz
wget http://download2-developer.amd.com/amd/APPSDK/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx32.tgz
exit #go back to being root user
cd /home/miner/miningpacks/
mkdir APP-SDK-2point7-temp
cd APP-SDK-2point7-temp
cp ../AMD-APP-SDK-v2.7-lnx64.tgz .
tar xzf AMD-APP-SDK-v2.7-lnx64.tgz
cd ..
rm -rf APP-SDK-2point7-temp
#### Installing ATI Drivers:
#### Install this AFTER you install the SDK
## important note on installing AMD Drivers under linux:
## be certain you have the kernel-devel for YOUR kernel
yum list installed | grep kernel-*
## check your distribution
uname -r
## you can have multiple kernel-devel's
## if you are lucky this command works
yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)
## if not you'll need to find another kernel
## with a matching kernel-devel package
yum --showduplicates list kernel-devel
## to download a specific package just add
## the version to the name, for example if
## I want kernel-devel 2.6.32-358.el6 I
## just add a hyphen
#yum install kernel-devel-2.6.32-358.el6
### Move to package directory
cd /home/miner/miningpacks/
chmod u+x *-driver-installer*
sh amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run #downloaded above
#### using menus generate RPM package for your OS
#### Install generated package
cd /home/miner/miningpacks/
yum -y install fglrx64_p_i_c-8.951*
aticonfig --adapter=all --initial --force
#### Test ATI Driver Installation
## check installation by reading output from
more /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log
## further testing SHOULD be done at this time against this page:
## http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions#How_do_I_know_fglrx_is_installed_correctly.3F
## one possible error
##[Message] Kernel Module : Precompiled kernel module version mismatched.
##[Error] Kernel Module : Kernel module build environment not found - please consult readme.
## This error indicated you do not have he correct kernel-devel libs to match your kernel
#### Install ATI Display Library Development Kit (ADL SDK):
###wget http://developer.amd.com/wordpress/media/2012/11/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.8-lnx64.tgz
### cannot find APP without going through website license
### pain in the ass requires a browser download
#### become root user
su -
#### become prefered user (no password needed)
su -l miner
#### move to directory to where you are holding the packages
cd ~
cd miningpacks
#### place ADL zip in current directory
mkdir ADL-SDK-5point0-temp
cd ADL-SDK-5point0-temp
cp ../ADL_SDK_5.0.zip .
unzip ADL_SDK_5.0.zip
#### Install CGMiner
#### become root user
su -
#### become prefered user (no password needed)
su -l miner
#### move to home directory
cd ~
#### download CGMiner from author
git clone https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer
#### copy ADL libraries to correct location
cd /home/miner/cgminer/ADL_SDK
cp /home/miner/miningpacks/ADL-SDK-5point0-temp/include/*.h .
rm -rf /home/miner/miningpacks/ADL-SDK-5point0-temp/
cd ..
exit #go back to being root user
cd /home/miner/cgminer/
make install
reboot #if you have not after changes to libraries
#if you did everything as I have above you are finished
#and can run cgminer. test with ./cgminer -n
#### The End