Hi guys, hi @goatpig.
Tried to build ArmouryQT from sources following instructions at
https://btcarmory.com/docs/building/ but seems like all of them are outdated.
I'm familiar with some things but trying to dig deep without success.
goatpig, can you update your docs to build wallet for now?
1) Ubuntu 22.04.2 says that almost all packages "apt install ..." are not exist and/or outdated.
2) Win 10 22H2 - I have installed MSVS 2022 and unsure it is possible/good for OS to install MVSE 2013U3, don't want to crack fine tuned machine.
swig 3.0.2 - there are swigwin-4.1.1, swig-4.1.1 (and outdated swigwin-3.0.2/swig-3.0.2) - swig or swigwin? outdated 3.0.2 or it is ok to use 4.1.1? lot of questions
python 2.7.8 - mine is Python 2.7.18 (v2.7.18:8d21aa21f2, Apr 20 2020, 13:25:05) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win3, do I need to downgrade/install another copy of copies? currently python's installations eats a ton of gigs, even MSVS 2022 wants it's own python, and each python wants "pip install" a ton of packages. There are number of identical/duplicate files
It's almost a madness.
python psutil 2.1.3 - I've made "py -2 -m pip install psutil --upgrade", so it is v5.9.4
python-Qt4 4.11.2 - I've downloaded and installed PyQt4-4.11.4-gpl-Py2.7-Qt4.8.7-x64.exe (which options must be checked when installing and which are not needed?)
py2exe - downloaded and installed latest py2exe-0.6.9.win64-py2.7.amd64.exe
pywin32 2.19 - downloaded and installed pywin32-219.win-amd64-py2.7.exe, no more newer versions that support py2
NSIS 3.0+ - nsis-3.08-setup.exe
"To accommodate systems with multiple versions of python, some tweaks were made to distinguish between them" - I have both pythons 2 & 3 in %Path%, python currently have an easy option to select which version to run, for example "py -2", so I think it's not needed
"C:\Python27_64\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\pyrcc4.exe is referenced by a build script even though default python installation does not have the _64. Either rename the base directory or modify BitcoinArmory/cppForSwig/BitcoinArmory_SwigDLL/build_installer_64.bat to reference the correct path" - I have "Z:\Devel\Python\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\pyrcc4.exe" but there are no "BitcoinArmory/cppForSwig/BitcoinArmory_SwigDLL/build_installer_64.bat" after getting sources, there are no BitcoinArmory_SwigDLL directory (git clone --depth 1
https://github.com/goatpig/BitcoinArmory or git clone
"Make sure the following folders are in your PATH" - ok
"py2exe chokes on zope..." - zope? any words about zope previously, so installed with "py -2 -m pip install zope --upgrade" and created zero length Z:\Devel\Python\Python27\Lib\site-packages\zope\__init__.py
"Swig is not installed like the other packages" - tried to unpack swigwin-3.0.2.zip and swigwin-4.1.1.zip then renamed swigwin-3.0.2/swigwin-4.1.1 dirs to swigwin, there are swig.exe inside it
And there are End Of Document. Not clear what to do next...
tried py -2 ArmoryQt.py:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ArmoryQt.py", line 40, in
import CppBlockUtils as Cpp
ImportError: No module named CppBlockUtils
tried run cppForSwig\BitcoinArmory.sln (read from some topics there) - MSVS 2022 started with ErrorMessageWindow "One or more projects... was not correctly loaded" with errors/warnings in debut output:
BitcoinArmory\cppForSwig\DBtests_Supernode\DBtests_Supernode.vcxproj : error : can't load project file/can't find part path
there are no cppForSwig\DBtests_Supernode directory; this error printed twice
BitcoinArmory\cppForSwig\guardian\guardian.vcxproj : warning : can't find building tools for VS 2013 (v120). To make a build with VS 2022 (v143), select "Project" menu or click RMB and click "change target platform". Install VS 2013 (v120) to build with VS 2013 (v120).
I've deleted "DBtests_Supernode" from left panel in VS 2022 then clicked "Project" and "Change target" (first line in submenu) then accepted all that was there - SDK 10.0 last installed, update instruments to v143, all checkboxes is on (guardian, cryptopp, BitcoinArmory_CppTests, LMDB_Win, BlockDataManager, BDM_Cliend, ContainerTests, DB1kIterTest). After clicking OK all 8 was successfully updated.
Clicked "Build" - "Build solution". Successful: 1, with errors: 7. 8636 lines of debug output and a lot of warnings and fatal errors.
Ok, digging again. To build v120 I need VS 2013. "Build tools VS 2013 is not enough, because no c++".
Downloaded MSVS 2013U5 original ISO from MS. It don't want to install - "Program Compatibility mode is on" / "is blocked by another condition" and no solitions found.
Then created Virtual Machine, installed new Win10, C:\Python27, psutil, etc (all what I've done in #2) then tried to install MSVS 2013U5 - the same "Program Compatibility mode is on" / "is blocked by another condition".
Then downloaded 2013U3 - still the same "compatibility is on" (it is not enabled anywhere).
So to just TRY to compile now I need to try downgrade everything, even OS? Total madness.