I am not able to get libcurl to be recognized by Mingw32.
Here are the directions. However, they are outdated.
Has anyone built sgminer with the following directions successfully?
https://github.com/sgminer-dev/sgminer/blob/master/doc/windows-build.txtHow did you get libcurl to work?
* Install libcurl *
Go to this url ==>
http://curl.haxx.se/download.html#Win32At the section where it says "Win32 - Generic", Click on the link that indicates
Win32 2000.XP 7.xx.x libcurl SSL and download it.
Extract the files that are in the zip (bin, include, and lib) to their respective
locations in MinGW (\MinGW\bin, \MinGW\include, and \MinGW\lib).
Edit the file \MinGW\lib\pkgconfig\libcurl.pc and search for the line that ends
with "-lcurl", and make it say "-lcurl -lcurldll".