
Topic: Bureau à distance Windows-Ubuntu. (Read 1479 times)

Activity: 5
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October 26, 2017, 08:09:24 AM
bureau a distance chrome marche tré bien pr moi
Activity: 154
Merit: 10
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July 03, 2017, 07:29:11 AM
Essaye l'utilisation à distance avec RDP protocole
ça devrait faire l'affaire
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 100
July 01, 2017, 08:34:01 AM
Et bien sûr tu fais tourner tout ça au travers d'un VPN ?
Du RDP sans VPN, je ne connais aucune entreprise (sérieuse) qui le fait.

Posted From Android App
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1046
June 30, 2017, 09:04:01 AM
Convaincu que l'aide peut être précieuse pour d'autres, je mets même l'intégralité du tuto, au cas où il disparaîtrait du site d'origine (trop précieux), avec mes excuses auprès de son auteur et mes remerciements (cliquez sur le lien du site d'origine si vous voulez être parfaitement fairplay :
This tutorial is specific to using the user GUI’s and setting up the remote desktop protocol in a Windows10 Home Edition desktop, or laptop, and installing the Remmina remote desktop application to your Linux Lite 3.0 desktop or laptop within your home or office wifi network, in order to work on your Windows10 computer with administrator privileges from its remote desktop on your Linux Lite 3.0 computer. For this to work efficiently you will need at least 2 gig of ram on each computer and preferably at least a 2.33 gig cpu on each. The Windwos10 Home Edition computer will normally be 64 bit, but RDP via Reminna will work from Linux Lite 3.0 with either a 32 bit, or 64 bit computer on the Linux end.

Recommended preparations for Windows 10 Home Edition:

1) Windows10 Home Edition does not come with much of an onboard office suite. Because Linux Lite 3.0 comes with the powerful Libreoffice suite to increase the functionality of Remmina’s remote Windows10 desktop in Linux Lite 3.0 I suggest you download Libreoffice for Windows10 and install it to your Windows10 Home Edition computer before installing and configuring its missing remote desktop protocol. You can download here for 64bit:

2) After installing Libreoffice and rebooting your Windows10 Home Edition computer open -Menu>Settings>System>Default Apps>Choose Default Apps by File Type, and wherever applicable push the plus sign button and choose the appropriate Libreoffice App as the default.

3) Now on your Windows10 Home Edition computer making sure you are logged in to a user account with administrative privileges. Open >Menu>Settings>Network & Internet and from the right hand pane choose >Advanced Options. Set the make this PC discoverable button to >On and set the Metered Connection button to >Off. Leave this pane open and running in the background, as properties lists your Windows10 Home Edition computer’s IP address, and takes note of network changes after rdp configuration.

4) Windows10 Home Edition does not come with remote desktop protocol capabilities so you will first have to download and install rdpwrap. Open your Edge browser to download rdpwrap from here: Choose the zip file and download and save to downloads.

5) Open your Windows10 File Explorer and navigate to downloads. Find and extract all the files right where they are, allowing windows to select the directory. A second File Explorer window will appear on top of the original with the listed five extracted files. Click on and install >RDPwrap from the first file in the list. After installation has run click on >RDPconf which is the third file in the list. A window will appear called RDP Configuration. Wrapper state should read as installed, written in green on most computers. Service state may or may not be listed as running in green. Listener state may or may not be listed as listening in green. It’s fine. Check the box >Enable Remote Desktop Protocol. Ignore the port setting. Uncheck the box >Single Session Per User. Select the radio button >Network Level Authentication. This importantly allows you to allow windows to manage windows firewall settings intuitively without the necessity of creating network groups and and special private settings. Finally select the radio button >Full access with user’s permission. Close the window. You do not need to run the RDPcheck file. All the information you need will be in the pane you left open in the background at the beginning of this session. Now run the >update.bat first clicking on the file >update. The >run command is located in Menu>All Apps>Windows System>Run. Go back to your running Linux Lite3.0 computer now, and leave your Windows10 computer as it is for the time being. Here is a reasonably simple tutorial on this same process:

Installing Remmina on Linux Lite3.0

!) From your Linux Lite 3.0 computer open >Menu>System>Lite Software. Enter your administrative authentication and click >OK. Click >Yes to update software sources. Select the radio button >Install Software and click >OK. Find Remote Desktop Software on the list and select it with click >highlight and click the >Install button at the bottom of the page. Reminna will then install.

2) On your Linux Lite 3.0 computer open Menu>System>System Information> and scroll down to the >IP Connections tab in >Networks. Leave this window open and minimized running in the background, or on another desktop workspace in Linux Lite 3.0. You can use it to verify the rdp connection and take note of IP addresses as we go along with our installation.

3) Now on your Linux Lite 3.0 computer open Menu>Internet and double click Reminna. A window entitled Remmina Remote Desktop Client will appear. Open the tab dialogue called >Connection at the left top of the window and click select >New. A new window will appear on top entitled Remote Desktop Preferences. Go back to your Windows10 Home edition computer and in >File Explorer scroll down and click >Network. The first computer listed in network devices will have the correct net bios name of your Windows10 computer. Return to the Remmina window entitled Remote Desktop Preferences and enter the >net bios name of your Windows10 computer in the name box. In the group box enter >administrator, or HomeGroup if you have an administrator account already in the HomeGroup on your windows10 Computer.

4) The Protocol box should read RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol, which can be selected from the drop down menu. Now go back to your Windows10 computer, to the advanced options window you have left running in the background and obtain your Windows10 IP address. It will begin with 192.168. 0 or 1. and another number. You do not need the longer port number following the four segmented eight digit address. Return to your Linux Lite computer and type this address into the server box of the Remote Desktop Preferences window. Next in the user name box enter the user name of the user with administrator privileges on your Windows10 computer who is in the HomeGroup if you qualified group with HomeGroup in the dialogue above, and if not a user with administrator privileges. Enter the password of that user in the password box. In the domain box simply enter >Windows.

5) Click the radio button under resolution selecting >Custom and choose the next smallest resolution to your current resolution, i/e if you are at 1280x1024 select 1024x768. Reminna has tools to enable full screen so there is no need to try and duplicate an impossible resolution and if you select one too big the remote desktop won’t appear when you load.

6) Leave the color depth box at 256 for now. It can always be changed later anyway. If you already have a smb share folder created in Linux Lite 3.0 enter it in the share folder box, otherwise leave it blank, or set to >none.

7) In the advanced tab of the Remote Desktop Preferences window select >poor (fastest) in the quality box. Select >Off in the sound box. Select >negotiate in the Security box. Leave the rest of the boxes blank and close the window.

Cool In the Remmina Remote Desktop Client window click tab dialogue >edit>preferences to open Reminna preferences window. In the tab >options check the box >Remember last view mode for each connection. Check the box >Save settings when starting connection. Check the box >Always show tabs. Make sure >Default view mode reads >automatic, Tab interface reads >Tab by groups, and Scale Quality reads >Hyper.

9) Next click the >Resolutions tab, and select a resolution according to the method discussed above, If you are at 1280x1024 select by >highlight 1024x768.

10) Next click the >Applet tab. Check the box >Disable tray icon if you run multiple desktops, otherwise annoyingly a system tray icon will appear on every desktop every time you open Reminna.

11) Next click the >terminal tab. Check the box >Use system default font. If you are running a 32 bit Linux computer the >Scrollback lines count should be 512, and 1024 if you are running 64 bit.

12) Next click the >RDP tab. The keyboard layout should be set to >Auto detect. Check the box >Use client keyboard mapping. The >Quality option should read >poor (fastest). You can select other options from the series of displayed check boxes, but I suggest you check none of them, as your settings can all be modified after the fact, and the simpler the better is always best when working with new or unfamiliar software. Close the Remmina window.  

13) Your Linux Lite 3.0 computer is now ready to connect and load the remote desktop of your Windows10 computer onto your Linux Lite 3.0 desktop with full Windows10 file administrator access from your Linux Lite 3.0 computer.


1) Make sure both computers are running with wifi on and working.

2) Adding RDPwrap to your Windows10 Home Edition Computer does not change the user interface, so don’t expect to find any new settings options changes regarding RDP in the user interface, however one setting must be checked and/or prepared now, even though it seems counterintuitive. From your Windows10 Home Edition computer logged into the Windows user administrator account you have entered in Remmina, open >Menu>Settings>Network & Internet. Highlight >Wifi in the left pane. Scroll down to >Related settings in the right pane. Click on >Change advanced sharing options. Open the tab drop down menu >Private. Select the radio button >Turn on network discovery. Check the box >Turn on automatic setup of network connected devices. Select the radio button >Turn on file and printer sharing. Select the radio button >Allow Windows to manage HomeGroup connections. If these Settings were already present click the >cancel button. If you had to change them click the >save changes button and close the window. (If the settings were not present you may, or may not have to run the update.bat routine described above again.) Do not try setup RDP from the >Remote Desktop selection in >All Apps as Windows10 Home Edition does not contain the GUI options necessary in its standard interface and they are not added by RDPwrap. Close all windows leaving only the >Menu>Settings>Network & Internet>Advanced options window with the IP information open so we can monitor what happens when try to connect.

3) Return to your Linux Lite 3.0 computer and leave the >Menu>System Information>Networks>IP connections window open that we opened earlier on another desktop, and open the Reminna again. Right click (it will highlight) on the listed saved connection you created earlier and left click >connect from the opened menu. This will load and enable your remote Windows10 Home Edition desktop onto your Linux Lite 3.0 computer. If a drop down login box appears login with the Windows10 user name with administrator privileges and password that you used in setup. Monitor the connection activity in the >IP connections window. IPv6 authentications should appear, and along with your Windows10 computer’s IP address. Return to your Windows10 computer and monitor the changes there. If your Windows 10 remote desktop fails to load in Linux Lite, return to your Windows10 computer and run the update.bat routine again.

Once your Windows10 remote desktop loads successfully you can experiment with Remmina’s settings, and other issues like sound and video, keyboard options, file transferring, editors, and Libreoffice cross platform functionality. Using a Windows10 remote desktop in Windows administrator mode allows you make changes in Windows10, and Linux Lite 3.0 from your Linux Lite computer without having to go back and forth between them, or use USB and/or DVD transfers. Household devices such as alarms, cameras, home security, automobile security features, tweaks and features that are only available for windows can now be controlled from your Linux Lite 3.0 computer. Remmina is powerful tool. I hope this tutorial helps you begin to enjoy its possibilities. Good luck!

Activity: 1260
Merit: 1046
June 30, 2017, 09:01:08 AM
Je n'ai toujours pas résolu mon problème de contrôleà distance de Windows10 à partir d'Ubuntu.

Il y a plus d'une d'une vingtaine de paramètres qui peuvent être en cause et je ne trouve pas les bons réglages : satané Windows, encore une fois.

J'ai trouvé un tuto très détaillé (Windows10 et un Linux autre que Ubuntu, mais c'est transparent, utilisation de Remina et RDPWrap). J'ai tout fait à la lettre, avec ou sans port 3389, avec ou sans règle 3389 dans le pare feu et plein d'autres essais, mais sans réussite.
J'ai encore une piste (les groupes résidentiels Windows : je me suis toujours refusé à les utiliser considérant que la gestion par utilisateur était largement suffisante), mais là, je sature.

Je mets le lien du tuto, je pense qu'il pourrait être très utile à de prochains lecteurs :
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1046
June 29, 2017, 01:22:36 PM
Pourquoi installer un serveur RDP sur ton Windows alors que Windows possède un service RDP nativement ?

1/ Win+R (exécuter)
control sysdm.cpl

3/ Utilisation à distance
4/ Cocher Autoriser les connexions à distance à cet ordinateur

Pense aussi à autoriser le port entrant 3389 dans les paramètres avancés du pare-feu de ton Windows.
Je te remercie pour ta réponse.
J'ai viré le serveur RDP que j'avais installé.
L'autorisation des connexions à distances était déjà cochée.

Je viens de passer un moment sur le pare-feu de Windows 10 à créer ma règle entrante sur le port 3389 puis à essayer d'ouvrir ports et protocoles, mais rien n'y fait : la connexion échoue toujours...
full member
Activity: 188
Merit: 100
June 29, 2017, 10:26:40 AM
Pourquoi installer un serveur RDP sur ton Windows alors que Windows possède un service RDP nativement ?

1/ Win+R (exécuter)
control sysdm.cpl

3/ Utilisation à distance
4/ Cocher Autoriser les connexions à distance à cet ordinateur

Pense aussi à autoriser le port entrant 3389 dans les paramètres avancés du pare-feu de ton Windows.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1046
June 29, 2017, 10:00:45 AM
Je galère pour ce qui devrait être simple : je pense que j'ai besoin d'un regard extérieur.

Sur mon réseau local, j'ai un ordinateur principal et plusieurs ordinateurs secondaires, tous sous Ubuntu.
Tous les ordinateurs secondaires sont gérés à distance sur l'ordinateur principal via les fonctions de bureau à distance.
 Les ordinateurs secondaires sont équipés de Vino (serveur)
 L'ordinateur principal est équipé de Remina et je peux choisir lequel des ordinateurs secondaire je veux piloter à chaque instant sans quitter cet ordinateur principal.

J'ai ajouté un ordinateur secondaire à ce réseau local, qui est sous Windos10 (version grand public, pas pro ou serveur).

Et là où je galère c'est pour me connecter à distance (sur le réseau local) à cet ordinateur secondaire sous Windows10 deuis mon ordinateur principal sous Ubuntu.
 Voici plusieurs contraintes que j'ai identifié sous Windows10 :
  - le compte sur lequel on se connecte doit avoir un mot-de-passe
  - pour avoir le contrôle avant le log, il faut donc utiliser le protocole RDP plutôt que VNC
Côté ordinateur principal (client), Remina est compatible RDP, donc je souhaite continuer à l'utiliser.
Côté ordinateur Windows (serveur), il me faut don un serveur RDP : j'ai installé RDPWrap 1.6.1, mais impossible à faire fonctionner.

Si vous avez une solution/des conseils.

Et, histoire de devancer les questions, si vous avez un tuto pour passer tout cela au-delà de mon réseau local via internet (tunnel SSH) : je voudrais pouvoir accéder ainsi aux ordinateurs des membres de ma famille qui en ont besoin.
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