So basicly, I decided to mine the so called "HDD Currency"-BurstCoin. But with the little difference I want to mine it on Linux (Debian Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.2). So it seems like the setup is way too different from the one for Windows and one to Linux.
So I would like to ask you have you got any idea how to setup the whole process for BurstCoin mining on Linux (from creating the wallet, plotting the HDD, and installing the miner)? Has anyone dealth with this setup and can you explain me step-by-step the process of it?
Thank you in advance!
Oh, and also the system specifications are:
CPU: Intel Pentium D 820
GPU: Sapphire HD 7770 GHz Eddition
Mobo: Asus P5PL2
HDD (the one I will mine with): External HDD Seagate 2TB 7200RPM USB 2.0
There are specific guides for Linux which you can find by doing a simple search in google if you can't find any in the forum.I think there are some threads about Burstcoin here in the forum but they are all for Windows.
Anyway as already said,mining this coin is long dead now and it won't bring any profit.I don't know if there is another HDD coin to try.