The way I see it, there are three different cases of two different situation here.
1. The banning
2. The withdrawal restriction
3. The default of lukemac123
I have to side with them on the decision to mute and ban you under the accusation of spamming and begging for money --and multi accounts that I think people will universally agree that it is uncalled for. Even if you defended that you're not begging for money and instead asking for your loan to be paid, objectively speaking, it's a case of tomato-tomahto.
Both the site owner, the chat room community, and the website themsleves are not facilitating or directly invoved in your loan, the transaction happened between the borrower, lukemac123, and you. Thus, the dispute should be done internally and it is not necessary --more precisely, dreadfully not wanted-- to bring this to the web's chat that specifies the rule of "no begging". For this case, I think you actually
do violate their ToS.
For the case of withdrawal restriction, from what I gathered from the pieces of information you gave --which also rather scattered here and there-- they'll agree to unfroze your assets once you agree to stop talking about your banning, or if we re-word them to be a tad bit lengthy but more specific, they'll unfroze when you stop begging for your loaned fund on their chatroom --which ToS has a rule about this-- and got banned for it only to create another account to repeat the process. Again, I think it seems fair.
As a side note, bustabit has their
official ann thread and
Daniel has an account here. In attempt to hear the story from their side about this whole "they laughing at me" and deposit issue, I'd notify them about this accusation.
Lastly, for the case of unpaid loan by lukemac123, it actually should be a whole separate topic. You have two different --yet simulataneous-- situation here, with bustabit on account freezing, and with lukemac123 for defaulted loan.
Nonetheless, if we have to addres them, just like bustabit, the harsh truth is, there were nothing this forum can do about it, unless if they have an account here and you know their UID. If you can bring enough evidence of the defauted loan, namely the tx receipt of you lending your money to them that's never paid back, the account can be tagged and --if necessary-- flagged.
It is a common knowledge that lending funds to people --let alone those you only met online and barely knew-- poses a risk of default. That is why you need a collateral.