Will it work like this?
Alice Ellen Krauss (AEK) pays 20 BTC ($12 USD each) in September of 2012 for a 5Gh/s miner preorder.
Tired of waiting in September of 2013, AEK sells her preorder to Carol Grace Miller (CGM) for 3BTC ($120 each), figuring she's $100 ahead, or so.
So AEK gives 20 BTC to the middleman in 9/12.
CGM gives 3 BTC to AEK in 9/13, and AEK calls it quits.
Who's the middleman between AEK and CGM that keeps the other 17 BTC, which are now worth about $2000 total?
Pretty much.
Except that whoever invented this gamble of a strategy must also know there are very grave, potentially fatal (to BFL as a business) problems.
The first problems is obvious, this could accelerate refunds rather than slow them down!
Let me explain,
If people like CGM in your recent example can't sell off their September 9/2013 paydate on the very same market, then they are 10 times more likely to ask for a refund (and actually get it). They are probably still within the refund window which paypal or CC companies will still take them seriously.
Another gamble that opens the door to a refund "double tap":
The other gamble is that BFL must realize that payment processors like Visa, Mastercard, AmEx etc, won't stand for BFL's reshuffle of orders. A CC company expects BFL to keep accurate records on customer orders.
If AEK (Order date 9/2012) sells to CGM her order spot (Order date 9/2013) and BFL changes the name AND Address of the order to CGM's name. (Which you shouldn't do because a CC company won't protect you if you do this!)
Well....after receiving payment from CGM...AEK could ask for her refund from her CC company and leave CGM without both her money and a legitimate order spot. When BFL has to respond to the CC company about the chargeback they will have to announce that the payment on file now belongs to CGM and not AEK.
The CC company is going to be bewildered as to how BFL expects a payment to be switched over to another customer. What will likely ensue is that the CC company will say that they don't give a damn who the order was transferred to in BFL internal order system, they have AEK as the payment and they will issue AEK a refund at BFL's expense.
Leaving CGM without her order spot, minus a large amount of $$$.
CGM will then probably seek a refund from BFL for her own order paydate (9/2013) and BFL will get a second chargeback.
The only one who would come out ahead in the double tap scenario will be AEK. Who got her ROI the instant she sold her order and then asked for a refund regardless for the 9/2012 pay date.
BFL won't really have much of a defense about shuffling their payment processors orders.
It is all a gamble that hinges on no one figuring out these vulnerabilities. Quite the gamble!