1ink.cc1ink.cc is simple Bitcoin URL Shortener (Paid to Short URLs) service for both Advertisers and Publishers.
for AdvertisersUnique & Quality VisitorsWe only count unique visitors who see your page and click on 'Skip Ad' per 24 hours.
Bot FreeWe have Captcha for every 100 ad views, and we do suspend any publisher try to cheat. this all gives great quality for our advertisers.
Just try our service once, and feel the awesome results.
Extra Free TrafficWhen you order 1000 clicks (for example) you could get up to 5000 visitors to your site, as long as we only count visitors who click on 'Skip Ad'.
This will give you more free visitors to your site.
Low PricesYou can purchase 100,000 Clicks for just 0.02 btc!
1ink.cc Now :
example results :
You could get x9 traffic amount than your clicks order.