I put a thread up about buying ETH with BTC and it was removed for some reason. Not sure why, wouldve been nice if one of the mods/admins messaged me as to why.
Just a heads up incade you find this thread gets deleted. Good luck woth the trade though
Maybe it's because you had multiple marketplace threads open or something?
Other than that, I don't know why that would happen....
I don't really trust most exchanges, so I'd be happy if someone could sell me 1 ETH.
You either go first, or are sufficiently trusted, or find an escrow.
PM me if interested, I might not notice replies quickly.
If you don't mind paying more at spot price then you might find people willing to sell you here. But if you're looking to buy at spot prices you got to trust the exchanges. 1 ETH is not really that large to be afraid the exchanges will steal your money.
Nah it's not that they'll steal my money. It's just that I've heard that most exchanges need a lot of your info to even get involved.
And shapeshift's rates always seem terrible to me for some reason.
If anyone can suggest a relatively easy to use exchange, that doesn't need details but doesn't rip you off, I'll gladly use that.