I want to know if it is possible to buy £10 of bitcoin as I am young and do not have the money to start investing loads of money. I am planning on putting £10 every month into bitcoin.
Everyone can’t invest equally, and I know everyone wants to invest big, but most people don’t just have the financial capacity, so we just all have to invest what we have. No amount of money is too small when it comes to investments, so investing £10 monthly is really nice. The more you keep on earning, the more you can keep on increasing your investment. But make sure the money you will be using is your spare money, and you should be holding bitcoin for the long term if you need a maximum profit.
Also is it even legal for an under 18 year old to invest in bitcoin.
There is no age range for bitcoin investment, but there are some regions in which bitcoin is illegal, so if you are in places like that, your investment should have to be hidden. But if you are from regions where bitcoin is legal, then what will be stopping you is where you will be getting bitcoin from, but you are free to own bitcoin.
I have already invested £20 which is now worth £40.
That’s really nice, but you should know that dump can happen also, so when your money drops from £40, don’t panic, just keep on holding and keep on accumulating.