I literally know the algorithm that creates the unique hash for each and every game and predict with a decent level of success the clicks you need to gain a certain percentage of profit.
Why don't you exploit it for yourself then ?
Something similar happened to me like 12 years ago. Few years before BTC.
It was some "team" that found out an unbeatable way to beat some casino's roulette. As a proof they gave out some software where you had to input the roulette's last 15 outcomes and the soft would predict red of black for the next spin. That worked great.
For the real money part, you had to have them on the phone and they would tell you red or black.
Of course I lost my whole deposit. Either they were employed by the casino to drag and make people lose by any means, or they just tried to guide the play randomly on the real money play, and expect to get a % of his winnings made by "the technique" while the player just got lucky.
I think you'd have far better success in finding a 0.02
BTC loan
if you have some proper collateral, and use your knowledge of the algorithm to predict your own rolls, then payback the loan.
You say you'll cover all loss smaller than 1
BTC. Go ahead, why not roll yourself ?
Sure you won't if you are looking to get some BTC from naive users..
Please reply to my question :
why won't you play for yourself since you have BTC to cover losses made by players who entrusted you ?
EDIT : Can you prove you have 1
BTC to repay players you've driven into a loss ?
Please sign a msg with an address holding >= 1