snap run bitcoin-core.cli
snap run bitcoin-core.daemon
snap run bitcoin-core.qt
Some documentation mention it's on /snap/bin. It store all application installed by Snap, but if you run ls -l, you will find out,
1. The application actually only act as symbolic links.
2. Snap change default binary name of an application (e.g. bitcoin-cli become bitcoin-core.cli)
But alternatively you could find the executable by using command lsblk, then see which mountpoint belong to application (e.g. Bitcoin Core at /snap/bitcoin-core/319).
$ cd /snap/bitcoin-core/319
$ ls
bin command-cli.wrapper command-daemon.wrapper command-qt.wrapper etc flavor-select lib meta share snap usr var
$ cd bin
$ ls
bitcoin-cli bitcoind bitcoin-qt desktop-launch
TLDR, snap provide easy installation, but annoying for everything else.