To be 100% sure of what i might be doing
If you buy the options (or part of them), you have the right to purchase a number of shares of IceDrill up to the number of options you own, for 0.001 BTC per share (the strike price). This right lasts until the end of the month, at which point any unused options disappear. At any point between purchasing the options and their expiration, you can decide to exercise part or all of your options, pay 0.001 per share and receive that many shares.
If you purchase these options, you pay 0.0004 BTC per option. This means that you will profit if the price of IceDrill goes above 0.0014. If you decide not to exercise your options, they will expire at the end of the month and you've lost the 0.0004 per option. If you exercise the options, you've paid a total of 0.0014 per share.
Options can be traded through BitFunder, where you can buy part or all of the options available in this offer and exercise or resell them at will.
Couldn't have said it better.