
Topic: CALLBACK+: About the advantage of the service in simple terms (Read 360 times)

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I use the service. Very convenient, many functions, not expensive communication. Good app, thanks) Wink Wink Wink
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
In previous articles we introduced you to the registration rules on the Callback+ website and also mentioned that all registered users will be credited with a welcome bonus of 0, 5$ and the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of the enhanced functionality within 3 days.
Now let's get all this straightened out how to use such an interesting feature of this functionality as changing (masking) your call. Suppose that you are calling from an unknown number to a person who is simply not used to answering unknown calls. You really need to pop up your phone number on his/her phone screen. Here's how to do it using the Callback+ server:
- go to the server using your phone number and your unique password given by the system;
- you will have three windows: outgoing calls, incoming calls and privacy:
- in the first window in the main ID column your "native" number will be indicated. It is attached to your personal account - you can not change it.
- if you want your subscriber to be shown a specific number when you call him/her, then click on the pencil in front of the cell: Send the subscriber ID, and enter the number you want the person you call to see;
- the same for cases if you want another number to be displayed on your number when calling from a certain subscriber. Then click on the pencil in front of the cell: Accept on ID, and enter the number that you need.
- you can use the extended functionality constantly or once. It is important in the second case not to forget to change the settings to the "do not use".
What's interesting is that it is not just a replacement of the number when you call, but also its complete masking. Any printout of any cellular company will show that your interlocutor was called not by you at all, but by someone else, as well as that you were not called by the person with whom you eventually spoke.
And finally, about the window "privacy". Click on it. 3 switches will open: Random routing, random transfer of ID in the format of the country of registration and random transfer of ID in international format. This is what it gives. The first slider generally includes the function of free number selection, which is received by your interlocutor. And then choose if you need additionally move the second switch or the third one. In the case of the second one, he/she will see an arbitrary number that is registered in the region from which you are calling. And in the second in general, any number of the globe. Call your friend from Peru! That will be surprise for him/her.
Register on the website: and get into this wonderful world!
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
In this article, I will touch on the very first stage of working with the unique Callback+ system, namely registration on the site. In order for you to be always connected, and to use all the features of the service, this procedure is made as simple as possible.
You need remember only a few important points. Here’s how
to do it:
- Go to the site: , please, in the upper right window find the registration
button. Click. The system asks you to enter the phone number. Enter the one from which
you will make calls;
- At this number you will receive SMS with a unique code of 6 digits. And this is the first
important moment! You need to remember this code, and it’s better to write down it somewhere. For this is your password in Callback+. If you always use one computer and one browser, you can set a password in it, and then the system will automatically enter your account. But, please, remember! The unique code corresponds just to your phone number.
Therefore, re-registration to this number may be rejected. You'll have to go through the password recovery procedure later.
- After registration you will have your own account, in which there you will already find the
welcome bonus from the Company in the form of 0, 5$. If you think that is not enough, then
you are mistaken.
This is enough to make 3 calls to the other end of the world. In addition to money, you will
be offered an introductory 3-day period with all functions of the extended functionality included. I.e. you can check how does work ID changing, switch, overriding of the talk background, etc.
In general, that ́s the lot. You are in the Callback+. Is it big deal? Probably it ́s not more complicated than going shopping.
All that I have described can be done with the help of the Telegram bot
@Callback_plus_bot. But I still recommend, first do it in a browser on one of the electronic devices, and only then evaluate the advantages of Callback+ in Telegram. There you will be asked the same password of 6 digits, and only then you will be helped making your stay in the service as comfortable as possible. For example, there will no longer be a need to enter the browser, and if something is not clear or something goes wrong, the help will instantly indicate how to solve the problem.
And one more thing. How do I replenish my account? It is even easier than registration. Log into your account. Click on “replenish my account” You are asked for the amount and email number. This is you need to get the receipt for the transfer of money to your e-mail. There is an instruction, how and what to do. Follow it! Currently, the system accepts Visa and Master Card, phone accounts of mobile operators in your country, and you can replenish your account with a crypto currency. In general, the standard, the most common forms of payment. But also instant payment cards Callback+ for a certain amounts in rubles are under development now. It promises to be unique in that you can replenish the balance even in a situation where suddenly you are in a place where the world wide web is unavailable.
I hope everything explained with a light touch. If you have any questions, use the Telegram bot. Register on the site and get into the wonderful world of Callback
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
Once I had the luck to communicate with a very advanced woman in the IT area. By the way, she is the rector of the International University of Information Technologies. So she said that she was looking at the prospects of this or that student in terms of the number of devices that he used. This, you must agree, is very important for a modern person – to learn the news literally from the fingertips. As well as not experiencing any problems in situations when you need to make a phone call. Callback+ cares to the same extent both about its "advanced" subscribers, and about those who do not always "carry everything with them". Therefore, I propose to evaluate such a quality of service as cross-platform.
You can take advantage of all its benefits by using any device that you have at hand. Of course, for this you must be familiar with the system. Therefore, first of all, you need to register on the site: : https:// And then there are many options:
1 Log into the application through any browser. This is the simplest thing. You have Internet, you have, say, a laptop – you are in the system. By experience, the site just flies in Google Chrome and Safari. But it works perfectly with other modern browsers, too.
2 Via any phone. I emphasize that anyone, even a stationary one. If you are in the situation of the absence of the "World Wide Web" or, even worse, only the good old dial machine is at hand - it is real situation, too! Who said this is a problem? Dial the number 8-499-350-29-21. The system will receive a call, immediately drop it and call you back. And then follow the instructions. Even easier with SMS. If you still have a cell phone. Send the number you need to receive the call in any format to the number + 7-928-135-25-73. You will quickly be contacted and continue the same – follow the instructions;
3 Through Telegram. I can ́t help touching on it. The application is rapidly gaining momentum because of its convenience. It has a bot @Callback_plus_bot Register in the Telegram, add the bot and your private office is in your phone.
I will say more, the IOS application for all iPhones is already ready for 99 percent. So, soon the fourth item will appear on this list. The fifth promises to be VIBER. And of course, we can not ignore the Android fans, the CallBack+ application is also being developed by our experts. So to take advantage of all the tools of Callback + (low cost of international calls, extended functionality of the phone and management
of your financial flows) is already easy now, and soon it will be as simple as anything. Register on the site and get into this wonderful world!
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
CALLBACK+: About the advantage of the service in simple terms

What are we now without a mobile connection? Probably, like if we were naked. But 20 years ago no one had even heard of it. Those who are now just over 40 (in fact, still young people!), perfectly remember those times when the phones were only stationary and rotary dial ones, and it was in the highest style if one had a telephone with AON at home, you know in advance who is calling you. It's strange now to think that it was just recently!

Now the provision of communication, direct and trouble-free is an indispensable condition for any modern person. If you move within the "home-work" area there are no problems. But if you like to "see the world", then you have to work hard, making combinations of tariffs, roaming, etc. Of course, this problem is known. They try to resolve it.

One of the possible recipes is offered by the Callback+. I'll try to just explain the three main advantages of the server

1) The cost of your international calls is reduced by 95%. Have you ever met such a discount? Here, perhaps, we could finish the article could be, because this is the main advantage. When calling, say, from Spain to home it has a cost not different from making call to a neighboring apartment. How you can get it? The service connects subscribers so that the both calls become incoming ones. Moreover, it will do this even in those places where there are problems with the Internet. This is really surprising. You can leave your phone at home, call from the hotel room, and the phones of your interlocutors display your number. This is the advantage "number 2", which is called ...

2) Advanced functionality. This is not its only feature. There are a lot of them. And their main goal is privacy. You can choose from which number you will call, or you can not do it. The service itself will randomly determine the mobile station convenient for you. You can change the voice, the background of the place where you are, etc. And the most amazing feature is the multiplexer. Imagine your mother is abroad, the phone balance is out of credit, but she wants to talk to your father. Callback+ provides such a call.

3) Absolute compatibility of the system with crypto-currency. A modern person, of course, must be familiar with electronic money. Including, to know what are tokens. Converting funds from their usual type to electronic one and vise versa, and to do it instantly is another great advantage of the service. Do not think about currencies, courses, etc. - the system converts everything for you. It will do any transfer anywhere in the world to any bank card.

This is brief review of the three main advantages of Callback+. If desired, each of these items can be divided into many sub-paragraphs. Please, register at the site and immerse yourself in this wonderful world.
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