
Topic: CampBX temp freeze (Read 741 times)

Activity: 1246
Merit: 1010
July 18, 2013, 09:35:11 AM
mailing them a check has worked for me several times.  Don't know about Postal Money Order...
hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 500
Acc bought - used solely for signature testing
July 18, 2013, 08:43:45 AM
I deposited $10 into my CampBX account via Dwolla with the sole purpose of just leaving it there for 30 days so that I can, in the future, make unlimited deposits/withdraws via Dwolla there. However, I would like to get some money, high 3 figures or so worth of BTC there and was looking into their Postal Money Order deposit option. If I deposit via that method can I buy BTC for as much as the Money Order was for and withdraw the BTC? Or am I truly 100% frozen over a $10 deposit for 30 days? I'm hoping they would just make it so I have to leave at least $10 in fiat to cover the dwolla deposit should something happen. Anyone know the answer to this?
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